MOTDE: "Actually sister, let the challenge wait, lets instead visit the captives and see how they enjoy Drow hospitality."

From Create Your Own Story

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You start walking towards the center of the camp with Treccia by your side. On the way you spot two foot soldiers from your clan.

"You there, you two, deliver this message to commander Solaria and huntress Minvir and Rainye. Tell them to meet me at my tent as fast as possible. A religiously-sanctioned challange has been issued and they need to attend the debriefing."

Both of them bow low, bending their upper bodies in submission. Your huntresses are allowed to bend only their head, but due to the foot soldiers lower status they need to perform a bow of greater submission. They then run off in different directions to deliver the message.

"Why fetch second huntress Minvir and huntress Rainye?" Treccia asks.

"It's that snake Solaria. I need protection if I´m to face that sack of dung." In truth Solaria would never dare assassinate you, Minvir and Rainye are only needed as a show of strength and unity.

You continue walking calmly through the camp. Head turns and bows as you pass them. Every Dark elf in this expedition is forced to pay heed to you, except that bitch Solaria. It causes you great pride and pleasure to command so many Drows, but Solaria´s claim to equality is always a nag in the back of your head. You also notice that the soldiers from Solaria´s clan seem more hesitant to bow to you and do so lower, arrogant shiteaters every single one of them.

To pass the time you go through the purpose of the raid with your sister as you walk side by side.

"Sister-huntress, tell me again what are the main objectives of this raid."

"Yes sister-superior. We are fortunate to have emerged within striking distance of the capital of the Heartwood forest elves. The arrogant cow-titted Queen Faylin resides there. Our orders is to capture and burn the city to the ground while acquiring as many riches and slaves as possible. The Heartwood forest tribe is not a warring tribe, they won´t be expecting an attack so the capital will be lightly guarded. Despite being severely outnumbered your force is well enough to complete this mission." Triccia trails off into silence but then quickly adds, "Oh, and mother made especially clear that the capture and enslavement of Queen Faylin is of paramount importance."

"Hmm, Queen Faylin, Mother fought her during the last great march didn´t she?" you ask.

"Yes sister superior, she did, well before our time."

The last great march, it was a glorious war where your mother subordinated several Drow clans and marched them on the surface. Its incentive was that a great rock fell from the sky, a meteor the scribes call it. It shattered the earth and opened up a giant crater that severed the magical bond between the surface world and the underdark, thus opening a permanent passageway to the surface world. It was no mere chance, the Goddesses saw fit to reward your mother for her ruthless and bloody coercion of the Drow clans of Velzaria under her rule.

Many battles were fought, many towns sacked and it´s people enslaved. Great glory was brought to your mother, riches and women fell before her feet, but ultimately it was a losing war. The march was halted and driven back to the underworld. The land around the great crater was healed and the passageway destroyed. Mother also lost much of the stranglehold she had on the other clans, and has been trying to regain it ever since. Queen Faylin was there, leading the Heartwood elves against your mother, your Matriarch wants' revenge it seems.

What you lead, is no great march. A great march is when a permanent passageway to the surface world is opened and a march is declared, this is just a raid brought on by a temporary teleportation-gate to the surface.


A huge crowd has gathered by the time you reach the center of the encampment. Your catches are displayed up on a large wooden platform built for holding speeches and sermons. One sits on her knees, the other is standing, both are surrounded by dark elves soldiers who fuck and molest them in various cruel and entertaining ways. Your Huntresses are keeping order, choosing from the crow who will get the chance to ascend the podium and replace someone who has climaxed.

The crowd is maddened by arousal and hatred for their inferior surface-cousins. Almost none has ever seen a freshly enslaved elf who hasn´t been broken and tamed. They push into each other, mouths open and dripping water as Drow´s do when they are aroused and not capable of satisfying their desires.

The Drow soldiers who are on the platform have unrestricted access to all the whores holes and body parts. The girl in the seated position has two Drow sisters furiously grinding their pussies against her face, humping it like dogs while reaching down to pull on her stout nipples. At the same time another Drow is kneeling down and working her cunt with a huge blue dildo decorated with painful looking bulging knobs. Behind her is a low ranked Drow who resides herself to molesting the girls asshole and clit, continuously stimulating them with her franticly moving fingers.

The other girl is in just as much pain. A tall male Drow is pounding her ass from behind while two other males stand by the side jerking off. On her front a calm-looking female slave master is in the process of piercing her left nipple with sharp, long needle. The girl screams hysterically as the slave master slowly but surely wiggles the needle into her sensitive nipples. You see that she has already pierced the girls other nipple, her clit, and her nose. The girls look like a freak but the crowd cheers wildly as the slave master completes her work.

The slave master says something to the three males. Due to the distance you cannot hear what she's saying but the three men sit the girl down and step in front of her, now jerking their black cocks in her face. The girls seem to be drifting in and out of consciousness, but she awakens to the blast of thick Drow cum on her face. The men´s ejaculate a huge amount of sperm, coating her entire face with the creamy substance. Again the crowd cheers.

"Awesome is the superiority of our race," you casually tell your sister while continuing to look at the gangbang. "No other can put on a spectacle like this. Our lust and desire to dominate knows no bounds. The surrendering moans of our enemies echo throughout the world making their daughters and sisters tremble in submission. Just imagine the glory when the Heartwood capital falls and its daughters fall at our feet."

"Sister, wouldn´t it be wise to keep one of them to interrogate."

"Hrmm?" You hum.

"There are well over 200 Drow´s here anxious the satisfied their urges with the enemy. These pathetic light skinned elves will not last 50 of them. Maybe we should remove one and keep her to interrogate?"

You raise you head at the sky and consider her option. It would upset the crowd but you might learn valuable information from one of the surface-dwellers.

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