Go back and get the chips

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:15, 2 April 2011 by MEGHAPSEY (Talk | contribs)
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It's too late for that, now. That's right, I've taken the chips back. You can't ever have those chips, those delicious chips. In fact- I'M eating them now. Oh, man... Let me tell you, these are some GOOD CHIPS. ( Horf Horf Horf Eaty Sound ) Oh man, aren't these your favorite kind, too? You have good taste. Well, except for the whole "I don't want them, oh give them to me," thing.

You don't get a choice any more. Yeah, that's what happens when you try to outsmart me. I RULE THIS GAME. I RULE THESE CHIPS!! ME! ME! ME!

Go watch TV

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