Girl Scout Cookies/Let Claire rest in your bed

From Create Your Own Story

"You were such a good girl, but you must be tired. Why don't you take a little nap?"

"That sounds great. I don't think I could get up anyway," she laughs.

You leave the room and take a shower. After plopping down on the couch to watch TV, you gradually fall asleep.

You are awakened by a knock on the door. You answer the door to find Lin and a rather strong looking man in his forties. "Sorry to disturb you, but Lin said she stopped here with my daughter to sell cookies. She's late and I haven't been able to..."

"What time is it?" Claire says as she walks out of your room only wearing her blouse and panties. You don't get a chance to explain before being punched in the jaw. Claire's dad kicks your ass until she finally pulls him away. That's the last you ever see any of them.


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