Victim: The boys decide to get "even"

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You try to stammer excuses, but Jake kicks you. "Shut up you little perverted fucker." The other kids start talking too. "What do we do?" "Should we tell someone?" "What the fuck was he doing?" "Hey look, he came on himself." "He has cum all over himself." This fact gets Jake going. "Having a good time in there? Did you get off a lot watching us, you sick bastard?" You try to explain again, but Jake doesn't listen. He looks around at the other boys. "You know what, since he got off at our expense, I think we should be able to even the score. Who wants a piece of this sick fuck?" As he says this, he drops the clothes in his hands, bends down, and grabs you by your ankles. He pulls them apart, exposing your already sore ass to the boys. You look around and see that most of them are already rubbing their dicks through whatever clothes they have on. You know exactly where this is going, so once again you panic, squirming and flailing around. The boys start pulling off their shirts, shorts and underwear, getting as naked as you are. Jake, on the other hand, is focusing on holding you still. You want to scream, but you remember what it felt like getting Colin's underwear rammed into your mouth and you try to find a different way to resist. You sit up as best you can, getting ready to fight back, but the other boys decide to move in, and two of them pin you back down on the floor. Then another two grab your legs, letting Jake stand up and start stripping off his own clothes. He starts spitting onto his fingers and then he bends down and starts lubing up your ass, just like Adan did. He doesn't do it for very long before gripping his dick and looking at your ass.

"Pick him up and carry him to the bench," Jake tells the kids holding you. They roughly pull you up and do as he says, placing your ass at the end of the bench. This gives Jake better access to it as he pries apart your butt cheeks and sets up his dick. Then he rams it home. His dick isn't as long as Adan's, but it's thicker, so it hurts more as he fucks you. It doesn't take long for another of the kids to start fucking your face. You can't see anything through his body, but you can certainly feel it. Your whole body shakes back and forth as Jake fucks you, and you feel your own dick start growing again. This time, no one plays with your dick with their hands, but you feel a dick get pushed into each of yours and your fingers forced around them. After a while, you get the idea, and keep moving your hands back and forth on your own. Soon after that, Jake pulls out and cums on you. "Next up," he says, and one of the kids holding onto your legs moves over and starts fucking you. Shortly after, the kid fucking your throat cums onto your face, and he too is replaced. You lost track of time, but you do know you spend a long, long time in the locker room, and always with a dick in your mouth, ass and hands. Sometime during the action, you must have passed out, because the next thing you know, all the boys are done fucking you. You can't open your eyes, since they're covered in cum, but you can hear them moving around, talking and laughing about what just happened. You feel too weak to do anything, and your ass is throbbing. You taste someone strange in your mouth, because (although you weren't conscious) one of the boys came in your mouth.

"What do we do with him?" you hear one of the boys say. "Take him outside, throw him in the bushes or something, so no one finds him," Jake tells him. After a moment, you feel hands pick you up. At least one of the kids carrying you slips his fingers into your ass and fucks it that way. After everything you've been through, it doesn't really hurt. Soon you feel a light breeze, tickling your body. A minute later, you feel yourself leave their hands, and shortly afterward, you crash through some plant-life hit the ground, hard. You still don't have the strength to wipe the cum from your eyes, let alone get up. So you lie there for a while, and eventually you pass out again.

When you wake up again, you're strong enough to wipe the crusting cum out of your eyes and you open them. It's not night yet, but the sun is definitely going down. Other than that, all you can see are trees, and the roof of the school rising up about a hundred yards away. You don't hear any people around, and very fortunately, no animals around either. After you take a lot of breaths, you push yourself up and lean up against a tree. You don't know what to do. You're completely naked, you have dried cum all over you, your ass still aches from being fucked more times than you know, you're tired, and you don't know where to go. You're not sure how far you can go, but you'd also like to find some clothes before walking back through the neighborhoods where plenty of people will see you.

What do you finally decide?

Gender Male <- Equipment ->
Age 11 A Naked, Cum-Stained Body
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