Victim: See if you can hide yourself in an empty locker

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You run around to one of the back rows of locker, and open one of the ones you saw was empty. You're lucky you're small, and you somehow manage to squeeze yourself in there and pull the door mostly closed. You peer out through the small slots in the door and you hear whoever it is going through one of the lockers. After a few minutes, you hear the locker close, and then the gym door open. You sigh and get ready to leave the locker, and then you hear voices. Apparently someone came in instead of going out. You stay in the locker, waiting for them both to leave, trying not to make a sound. Then the door opened again, and a whole bunch of other voices came in. Damn, damn, damn, you say to yourself. Class must just be ending, so all the boys are going to be changing into their regular clothes. You wait, praying that none of them find you there. Several boys do strip down in the row in front of you, taking clothes out of their lockers and changing into them. They chat amongst themselves. You ignore most of it, but you do pick up on a bit of it. "Hey Jake, you coming?" "Yeah, just a sec. I need to put these in my locker." Then, to your horror, the door to the locker you're hiding in opens up as Jake, gym clothes in hand, pulls it. He freezes, but you, because you were holding onto the door, fall out onto the floor. This gets the attention of the half-dozen half-naked boys around you. "What the fuck?!" Jake yells. You look around at all the boys staring at you. You know they're all eight-graders, which makes you think of Adan and Colin. This makes you freeze, and any attempts to explain get stuck in your throat.

"What the fuck were you doing in there? Where the fuck are your clothes? Oh my god, were you spying on us? Were you getting off looking at us dress you sick fuck?"

Although this is making it all worse for you, you start regaining the ability to speak.

What happens next?

Gender Male <- Equipment ->
Age 11 A Naked, Cum-Splattered Body
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