Turn on your laptop and look for anything new

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:46, 27 November 2010 by Deaththekid (Talk | contribs)

You back away from the bloody mess on your bed and to your computer. Opening the laptop you see a new e-mail. Instead of a normal e-mail address the sender was only identified as "385RYL M1SON" You open the e-mail read the message inside.

"YOu caN't SaVE heR..."

Below the font is a picture of a sign, unfamiliar to you. It was taken outside of a white building with a flat roof and it read "Brookhaven Hospital." You don't know what it means but you close the e-mail. As soon as the e-mail closes you receive another from the same sender. Curious, you open it to see what it contains. You find another picture with text underneath it.

"tHEy haVE yOU..." read the new e-mail. Above the text was a picture of what looked like a door number on an apartment building or hotel. The door number read "334" on an old, rusty looking plaque.

You didn't know what it meant but you felt you needed to go look for Elizabeth. Something was different with Elizabeth. It seemed she wasn't right in the head. She had attacked you with an insane look in her eyes. She needed help, that much was obvious and you were determined to help her in any way that you could, but first, you needed to find her.

Do you:

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