Bitch will pay, you strangle the life out of the Queen.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:45, 27 January 2010 by The Hand (Talk | contribs)

You watch with cold eyes and outstretched hands as the Queen claws at her throat, her eyes bulging awfully and skin turns dangerously pink. Padme, realizing you are serious pulls at your arm, her cheeks wet with tears but in your anger you use the Force to throw her against the wall harshly. A few agonizing moments later the Queen shudders and rasps with the last of her air before sinking back into her silk sheets, dead.

Padme rises from her place on the ground, limping slightly her wide tear filled eyes filled with cold shock. "Annie, what have you done?" she whispers softly.

Suddenly the door bursts in behind you and a cadre of Royal Guards charge in, blasters drawn. The captain looks at the bed in shock.

"Oh god...blast them, blast them!"

They begin shooting but within seconds you have your lightsaber drawn and in moments you've sliced them up to peices. Your actions beginning to sink in, your mind starts to race; what to do?

Padme starts to beg with you, the horror of seeing her leader and countrymen slaughtered by your hand far too much for her. "Please Annie stop! I love you! Why are you doing this?!"

You look at her beautiful anguished face and wonder what to do with her...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Attack of the Clones

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