Save YouTube Poop!!!
From Create Your Own Story
[1]Click here if you are not familiar with YouTube Poop. This is really only intended for its fans. Also, please note that AIDS in this story does not refer to the STD.
"Oh, why does Yoshi have to go to bed so soon?" Yoshi says.
"Well, like they say in Brooklyn," Mama Luigi says,"Early To Bed, Early To Catch AIDS. Or, is it the bagel?"
"Mmmm," says Yoshi. "Worm's good." As Mama Luigi tucks Yoshi into bed, Yoshi says, "Tell Yoshi bedtime story now. Tell how Luigi harness power of AIDS and destroy all of Youtube Poop."
Mama Luigi panics. "Shhhh! Quiet, Yoshi!" he/she says. "How many times have I told you: 1. Shut Up! We can't let anybody find out about my master plan! 2. Stop asking me to tell you bedtime stories of things that are happening right now!" Yoshi stares at Luigi for a minute.
"Tell Yoshi bedtime story now," Yoshi says. "Tell Yoshi story of 2008 presidential election."
"Okay, okay," Mama Luigi says. "Well, it all started when Mario, the Princess and I went to Dinosau-" Yoshi falls asleep.
"Good night, Yoshi," Mama Luigi says. Mama Luigi walks outside and turns on an intercom system that can be heard through all of the YouTube Poop World.
"Attention Poopians!!!" Mama Luigi calls. "Our time has cum! For years we've had to put up with 'New Poop Sources', but they've all proven highly vonurable to our AIDS. The time has cum to end it! We shall close up the White Hole (As in the opposite of a black hole. Instead of sucking in matter like a black hole, the White Hole relases New Matter) and then YouTube Poop will be ours! No one will stop us!!!"
Screw this story. It's gay. [[Category:Save YouTube Poop!!!|]]