Dark Nights

From Create Your Own Story

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You have spent your entire life in a quiet little town living alone. You were abandoned as a baby, found on the streets by a man you refuse to call 'father'. Once you were old enough to look after yourself, you ran away, you found that it was never difficult to survive on your own. For some reason, you've managed to survive this long in the dangerous streets by relying solely on your instincts. You have some sort of innate ability to stop time, but you're not completely sure how it works.

One day child services manages to find you alone and decides to send you to a foster home. They're in the middle of giving you a physical when you hear a mechanical whine as a machine above falls off its hinges.


Every color in the room suddenly becomes inverted. The machine suspended in the air by ghosts. Staring up in disbelief, you step off the stool and walk backwards until you are shoulder-to-shoulder with the doctor. A moment later you feel as though your brain has curled in on itself, like it's about to implode and so you release your power, and all colors become again their natural states, and the machine resumes its motion, crashing into the ground with a large bang.

He wonders after much silent debate, shock and awe how you managed to disappear and appear next to him. You tell him about your ability, and he seems convinced, even though a real man of science should be skeptical. He informs you that you have an ability called 'The World'. It means you are able to temporarily stop time. But perhaps your ability hasn't been developed to its full potential, which is why you can only do it for 4 seconds. The doctor, against all protocol does some digging, and he gets you into a home for the gifted.

Bag over your shoulder, you arrive about midnight and the lights are off. It's eerily silent, and you don't like it.

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