The Greatest Longshot

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:49, 29 March 2016 by Dosbat (Talk | contribs)

At last, you have awoken. You observe yourself to be in some alley. You remember nothing of who you are or where you come from. As you exit the alley you trip over some curb, and as you look up you see a hand offering to help you up. You take the hand and rise to your feet, you notice it to belong to a man in a uniform, the uniform is green with a white armband on the right arm and a black shako with a green ploom. On the front of this shako is a badge that contains a crown from which hangs a powder horn. You think him to be in the Russian infantry but any ideas you had about him be Russian are immediately eliminated as he speaks with an unmistakable English accent. He identifies himself as Sergeant Stewart of the Kings 95th Rifles. and offers to buy a drink. You agree and follow him to a nearby pub where you drink your fill and then some and before you know it you are passed out on the floor.

wake up

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