ESB: Let's have the Wookiee

From Create Your Own Story

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- Gosh it's hot in here, you say as you slowly remove your jacket. Threepio, you say, I think I may have localized a malfunction in the Falcon's mainframe. Would you please go check the terminal in the cargo racks for me ? The heat sensors must have been deranged by the chase. - Why, with pleasure your highness ! he answers joyfully. It's always a pleasure cooperating with somewhat reasonable people as you, Princess, with all this madness going about. I hope we will soon be able to start work- - Threepio, please, you cut him. - Of course, your highness, I shall leave right away, he apologizes as he goes through the cockpit door, which closes behind him.

Chewie looks quite puzzled. He looks at you and swiftly tilts his head to the side as a sign of incomprehension of the reason you asked this. The Wookiee knows his stuff, and noticed that what you asked the droid had no logical meaning at all. Nonetheless he hasn't failed to notice the attractive shape that your sweater gave to your curves as you uncovered it. He doesn't seem to mind, though...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Princess Leia Organa
The Empire Strikes Back

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