The girl

From Create Your Own Story

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"Let her go, please! Take me instead."

The young boy calls out defending the other leaving her eyes to cast down with shame knowing a harsh life would be lead by her brother.


You speak softly as you raise the gun to his head and with a slip of your finger his head blows wide open sending a shower of blood across the hillside.


The young girl screams her voice hurting your ears slightly as she does.

"Why! You said-"

"He was strong, it would have been difficult to control him."

You note with a matter of fact tone but your words seem to be lost on her blood splattered wide eyed face.

Shrugging gently you approach the girl and lift her onto her feet with a pull of her arm.

"Move, we have a long way to go."

Standing behind her you give a light tap on her back as she slowly beings to walk down the slopping hill side, her eyes down cast towards the ground. ---

With the sun setting over the hills you set up camp on a small flat area in between two large hills giving you a nice hiding spot from others that might be out there. The whole trip here had been relativity quite with only a few grunts from the girl as she stumbled down the hillside a few times.Grunting softly as you sit down on the ground you rest against your backpack, taking the pressure off your legs after walking for some time.


You sigh as you reach into the pack and take out a bottle of water and a bag of beef jerky. Taking a mouthful of water you enjoy the cooling taste letting it wash about your mouth for a few moments till you swallow. Eyes raising towards the girl who now rested against a large boulder you can see her eyes wandering lustfully towards the bottle.

Closing the lid you toss the bottle towards her as it rolls to her feet, in haste she swipes it up, uncapping the lid she drinks deeply from it. You can't remember how long it had been since she last had any water but from the looks of it you should pay better attention in the future. Finally finishing the bottle off the girl places it gently at her side and almost instantly she passes out.

"Long day, I agree."

Coming up you check her straps around her wrists once more, tying additional ones around her legs you give a slight nod of approval and go back to rest before long you fall to sleep under the rising stars.

A sudden noise in the darkness breaks you from your deep sleep. Eyes opening wildly they strain against the blackness of the night trying to find the source of the noise. Pausing you hear the noise again and its close to your head. Without so much as a thought you hand sweeps out behind you in a closed fist as it strikes against something hard with a deep thud and a cry into the night.

Your brow furrows heavily knowing all to well who it is. Reaching into one of your pant pocket you pull out a rusted flash light and with a light click you shine it upon the fallen form of the girl as she struggles to get back on to her feet, already you can see that her bindings have been broken and one of the shotguns is laying near her hands. Luckily you decided not to load them for just this case.

"Little bitch."

You grunt coming to your feet as her anger filled eyes come up to face yours.

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