Incest Seduction/Comment on how flexible your sister is

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< Incest Seduction
Revision as of 00:03, 19 December 2014 by Maxine (Talk | contribs)

"That's, umm... that's quite the stretch there."

"Why?" Kim asks, concerned

"I mean your stretching. Your body. You seem weirdly flexible."

She grins. "Oh! That! You know I've been taking yoga! See?"

Kim plants her feet and her hands on the couch and lifts herself into a bridge position. The dramatically vertical arch has her hips acting as the keystone, coming up to nearly eye level. Her pussy mound is actually higher than any other part of her body, her tight shorts helping to display it prominently in front of you. In turn her shirt is pulled by gravity down her mostly inverted upper body exposing her midriff and cute little belly button.

"Huh," you reply, ogling your sister's taught teenage form. "How about that..."

"I've been working on my core strength. I could hold this for days! Just try to push down on me!"

You tentatively place a hand on your sister's bare stomach and gently push down. She wobbles a bit but barely flinches. The only thing that seems to be moving at all is in your pants.

"Not like that! Push me lower!"

You raise an eyebrow, glancing up and down Kimberly's arching figure. As instructed, you move your hand lower onto her thin yoga shorts before pressing down against her pelvis. Your sister gasps in surprise then giggles in delight. She subtly gyrates her hips a few times sliding your fingers dangerously close to her mound before you pull your hand away. Kim lowers herself and sits up on your lap, throwing her arms around your neck.

"I meant push harder, not 'lower'... silly brother..."

Insist your innocence and apologize.

You did exactly what she asked you to. Own it and flirt with her.

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