Make em get undressed

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:44, 26 October 2014 by Ejkski (Talk | contribs)

"Both of you, take off all your clothes," you tell them. They strip down as you chalk up a couple more lines. Taking one for yourself, feeling it go straight to your head. What a rush. They both are standing there buck naked. Both obviously uncomfortable with the situation, there covering their privates.

"Good job boys," you says. "Who wants the first one." You chalk up a small line and hand Chris the tooter. He bends over and nervously takes a toke. "Jon? Your turn," you say, he grabs it from Chris and tokes a small line you set out. "Now just sit down and let that kick in," you say to them.

They sit on the edge of the bed still covering themselves. There are stoned out of there minds.

Wondering how far you can go with his you ask them to.....

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