What the fucking hell. Keep on fucking

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:24, 19 November 2014 by Wtfismook (Talk | contribs)

You're tripping balls and probably irrational as a result. In your infinite wisdom, you decide that it would be best if you rode out the drug-laden sexually transmitted fantasies to their illogical conclusion.

Those lovely mountains on her chest look more majestic by the minute, and soon they transform into an infinite spiral of vivid colours, symmetrical shapes, deceased world leaders, 90s SEGA ads, Doritos, Shuttlecocks, and Mountain Dew. Whatever Nina ingested or had inserted into her ass earlier must have been some third world ethically questionable shit, but damn does the contact high make the sex amazing.

Hours pass while you and Nina continue engaging in sex, with you cumming inside her tight snatch with reckless abandon. In your mind, you're convinced that you time traveled back to 1963, shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the face, and teamed up with cyborg JFK to fight evil communist aliens and Nazi zombies, all while having Nina straddling your cock the entire time.

You wake up 6 hours later (or so you assume based on the timer on your microwave) and Nina has semen oozing from every orifice. Including her eyes, ears, and belly button. You would nudge her awake, but you have a phobia of gooey messes and so you decide to leave her alone on the floor. Hopefully she realizes how foolish she looks and will leave to go home.

After your drug-induced and probably impregnating frenzy with Nina, you decide to take a walk to clear your mind.

Do you go to

Health Horny Location:

Your Apartment

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