38 36/PunishW/Not now/mother-in-law shopping to club

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-I've heard about one club near there. How about to go there? - you asked.
-Club? - your wife was unhappy.
-Yes. Club, - her mother said, - I need to clear my head, - she glanced onto her daughter, - and not only me.
-Fine, - Janine sighed. She lost that battle.

And you all went to the club.

When you reached the club there was long queue but you greased security's palm and he let you in. Promotional posters from everywhere said that today will be "the hottest swimsuits contest" and you immediately imagined your wife and her mother in competition which gave you a riser.

You found a table, ordered drinks. You all drank a few glasses. After that your wife left to the toilet. Patricia sipped a little and suddenly asked:
-What are you planning?
-What? - you asked in return.
-I see how you look a her. Are you planning something? - and she bent to you, - Because, if you are, then you need to know that today I'm in playful mood.

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