38 36/PunishW/Not now/mother-in-law pool go home

From Create Your Own Story

You could only say:
-Sorry, I have to go help her.

You get out of the pool and went inside the house without a single look on your mother-in-law. Your wife was inside bedroom.

-It's ruined, - she said almost crying.
-Sorry, dear. It wasn't on purpose, - again you apologized.
-I loved it so much.
-Yea... You know you looked great in it, but...
-But? - now Janine was angry.
-But, I get used to it. It became a regular part of your wardrobe. I think you need to get a new one to knock all of a heap.
-You think? - and she kissed you.
-Yea. And I know what do you need right now.

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