User talk:Foxie1

From Create Your Own Story

Please don't post incomplete pages. Complete pages include options so the story can continue. Also, please include the status bar and category from the previous page.

Incomplete pages will be edited or deleted.--Platypus 01:04, 9 April 2014 (UTC)

You have been warned once about posting incomplete pages.

Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.

If you create a new page and the links are already blue, edit your page and change your links. Do not write over existing pages from other stories. Your editing has been reverted.

Basically, I suggest you stop adding pages to anything until you read the Tutorial, learn what you are doing, and work on your grammar so you can understand how to properly use periods, quotes, things like that. I also suggest you run everything through a spell check... --Dirty Me 04:06, 20 April 2014 (UTC)

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