Girl Scout Cookies/Eat her ass

From Create Your Own Story

Like a dream you watch your hands as they reach for her panties and slowly pull them down. the gusset pulls down last, stuck to her damp pussy. She lifts each foot as you remove them. Pulling them to your nose you inhale the fresh scent of her morning shower gel mixed with cunt.

She continues to stand, completely nude now, motionless.

You put your hands inside her knees - she jumps, causing her buns to jiggle momentarily. you slowly ease her legs open, until they're about a shoulder length apart.

Leaning in you gently bite her right bun, causin another jump.

You then bite the left.

Next you drag your nose down her ass crack loudly sniffing. A small lick followed by a long gentle lick where her butt cheeks meet. You grap each bun, pull them apart and lick deep, once, twice, three times.

"Oh, I love this ass."

You stand and move her to the couch and bend her over the back of it.

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