F.R.Theory/Act extra loving

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You ignore the fact that Karen just threw something at you and step over to her, smiling. "Easy, Karen," you tell her softly as you pull her into your arms. "I love you, and our children, very much. Relax." You kiss her.

Karen looks confused, as she was spoiling for a fight. "What?"

"I know you're stressed," you tell her. "Let me relax you. What's really the matter?"

Karen glares. "Dammit, Juan! Why won't you ever try and argue with me?"

"Because I love you more than anything in the world," you tell her. "I don't want to fight with you. I just want you to be happy."

"Why do you want to get divorced now?" you ask Karen.

"Because I don't want to be married to a wimp like you," she says. "The kids are grown, and gone. You don't need to shield them anymore."

"Shield them?" you reply. "There was no shielding involved. I really do love you."

Karen sighs. "It's impossible to be angry with you. You never let me fight. And that's why I want a divorce."

"I'm not going to argue," you tell her. "But just know that I always will love you."

"Why can't you ever stand up for yourself?" Karen growls as she turns to leave.

You feel the clicker in your back pocket...

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