Try to unscrew the bulb from the light fixture?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:43, 21 August 2012 by Super Tramp (Talk | contribs)

Alison desperately tried to move her hands close enough to the light bulb to unscrew it. But the bulb was not only throwing light, it was throwing heat. Every time she tried to get her hands close, the heat proved too much.

Suddenly Alison remembered an old trick her friend had shown her. By wetting your fingers before trying to unscrew a hot bulb. It will diminish the heat slightly. Alison knew it wasn't the best idea but it was either this or possibly death.

With some discomfort Alison was able to gather the last bit of her saliva which she spat into her hands. Amazingly, the trick actually worked and luckily the bulb wasn't tightly screwed in.

Unfortunately as the bulb came free of the socket the heat became too unbearable. Alison gasped as the bulb slide out of her hands and began to fall toward the ground.

Alison quickly decides to:

Alison's Status
Memories None
Evidence None
Location Alison is still in the cellar. There is only one door, and she can see that there is no way to escape other than through it. A small alcove leads to a bathroom area.
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