Talk to Eduardo

From Create Your Own Story

What do you say to him?

Afterschool, Myona lies to her parents and tell them she’s afterschool and wouldn’t need to be picked up until 5pm. Between 1pm and 5pm she walked to a house near the school’s vicinity. When she knocked on the door, Iris allowed her with a smile. Myona ignored the fact human Claudia was clinging onto her leg for her life as she was shaking like a leaf.

Myona silently makes her tea, sits down on the living room couch, and drinks her tea peacefully. Until...



The house began vibrating, the tea jumps out on Myona’s face, her shirt and on the couch. Luckily, she still had half her tea left...that was filled with debris falling from the ceiling. She slammed her glass on the table in front of her. She glares at Iris “What is going on?!”

Iris burst out laughing. “Oh my goodness, it looks like you have a beard made of tea. After that little incident at school, Eddy woke up from his nappy, and his spanky was making him cranky.”

Iris grabbed a paper towel to wipe Myona off, but Myona snatched the paper from her hands and wiped her own chin off. “Can I go home, then? There’s nothing I can do.”

“NO! We have to train you guys to fight in the war and can’t let Eduardo’s bitch fit to get in our way! That’s why I have we have a little angel to help with out demon problem.” Iris reached to her leg and patted Claudia’s blond hair.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!" Eduardo was yelling and screaming as he constantly punched and kicked the wall. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Claudia shakes her head. “No! Lalo is really scary! Sounds like he sounds really angry at us!”

Iris glared at Clauida for while then smiled brightly at her. “If I decide to go with you, will you try to calm him down? You’re so cute and nice to everyone. He could never refuse such a cutie’s apologies.”

Claudia swallows hard. Claudia was silent for a moment. Then she nods. Claudia continue to held onto Iris' leg.

She places headphones on Claudia's ears. "Just close your eyes and pretend the noise isn't there." Claudia then obey as she tighten her grip on the leg.

Music began playing. "Everyone can skip along! We're dancing to the crazy beat of this song! We're hopping to the center of this lazy town! And gazing at the stars as if we're never looking down!" The blond sung this harmonic melody throughout her journey of the house.

Suddenly, Iris ripped Claudia from her leg. She open her eyes and finds herself in a room of with holes in the wall and a Hispanic male seeing red and grinding his teeth. He turns his murderous gaze to the blonde. "'re the reason why Im here! YOU WASTED MY OPPORTUNITY!"

"L-Lalo Please! Let's think reasonable!" The girl begs but he stomps closer and closer to Claudia. "Iris!"

But by the time her name was called, she left the angel behind and slammed the door behind her. Claudia reaches for the door, BUT IT'S LOCKED! Oh gosh! she's locked in with a psycho looking for blood!

What would she do?!

  • Beg for forgiveness!
  •  Try to make him happy!
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