Respectfully ask what she means by a 'girl like you'(Abb1-19)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:16, 15 February 2012 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

"...A girl like me? I'm not sure what you mean," you respond with uncertainty. "I do work after school, and on weekends too, but I can promise you I have just enough free time to take film seriously. And anyway, I need more extracurriculars for my resume. I was hoping to get a scholarship when I apply to college."

Mrs. Crage appears to be irritated, but that might just be her permanent expression. "Well...I...simply meant that from a financial standpoint...nevermind. If you insist, you may stay, of course. But I will only be submitting films of a high artistic quality to the film festival. If you cannot complete the assigned projects to my satisfaction, you will simply have to deal with the consequences."

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