Stop the Folly Of the Earth with the Africans

From Create Your Own Story

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With a few books you learn the language and land from the plane. You do the necessary actions with the goverment, saying you are making a speech for the good of the people, and you didn't lie.

"Beide die Unitists en Die Amerikaners is deel te neem in 'n groot dwaasheid!Maar ons moet deurkom en die hulpbronne te neem, of die land sal swak wees.Kan jy imagne die wenners van die oorlog invallende ons?Sal ons in staat wees om te veg terug dan?Ons moet nou veg!"

(Both the Unitists and The Americans are taking part in great folly! But we must get through and take the resources, or this country will be weak. Can you imagne the winners of their war invading us? Will we be able to fight back then? We must fight NOW!)

You also had to roll in mud, but you later got a hologram thing so that's alright.

You tell the generals to: Lead the Africans to attack the battlefield from both ends when the enemies least expect it. ("Lei die Afrikaners die slagveld aanval van beide kante toe die vyande dit die minste verwag."

Attack with full strength while the two sides fight ("Aanval met volle sterkte, terwyl die twee kante veg")

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