R-Bonus: Live through the extremely odd dream

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:15, 6 November 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

You find yourself sitting in a chair, a table in front of you show's a sheet of paper with some really odd questions, questions which are really easy to answer, in your hand holds a pencil, which means you're probably going to answer it.

You take a look at your surroundings, it's the room in which you are trapped in. You search for the walkie talkie without leaving your seat, to which you find nothing. Staring at the paper, you decide to read the questions. There are five questions:

1)What is your name?:


2)What is your age?:


3)Are you male or female?:


4)Name at least ONE friend:


5)How are you?


You realise that you can probably only answer 1, 3, and 5. Nevertheless, you do this little quiz.

So question 1, what is your name?

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