The bikini owner spots you wearing her bikini

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:14, 29 October 2011 by Rouge (Talk | contribs)
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Status Naked and Embarrassed

As the guys are looking you over thinking evil boy thoughts you hear from another direction "Hey, just who do you think you are?" You look in that direction, careful to not move too quickly or you will fall out of your top, and you see a short asian girl with two other girls.

One of the guys looks at the girls and then at you and says "Isn't that your bikini?" the asian chick replies, "yes it is, though it looks a lot different on her" and she points at you.

At this point they have all surrounded you and you don't have anywhere you can go. Meanwhile the three girls huddle together and seem to have come to a decision.

The asian looks at you and grins "I am not mad at you, and I'll let you keep the bikini but you are going to travel with us till we have to go" you look at her with a shocked look on your face as two of the guys grab your arms.

You instinctively struggle to get out of their grasp and your boobs pop out of the top just like you feared. "oh yeah" one of the guys says. The tall black girl grins at you and tucks your boobs back into your bikini top and looks at them. "watch this Tina, shake her again" the guys holding your arms shake you and once again your boobs bounce out of the top.

The asian replies "oh, this is going to be a lot of fun" you slump down in defeat and the guys let go of your arms. You take the opportunity to tuck your big breasts back into the too small top.

What happens next?:

Jumping jacks for a jacket

Shopping at the boardwalk strip

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