Start Story: Malinovyĭ - The Red Planet

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Malinovyĭ - The Red Planet

You´ve only crashed two times in your career, and this red planet didn´t make it a third. The descent went smoothly and you quickly found a plain with an even landscape to land on, that to, was performed with minimal difficulty.

As regulations dictates when landing on an unvisited and unclaimed planet the first procedure is to actually walk on the planet's surface. You unstrap yourself from your familiar pilot chair and leave the cockpit to put your spacesuit on.


The spacesuits are located in the ships airlock. You quickly head there, but find the rest of the crew half-dressed as you arrive. They are all new faces to you, so you give them a quick greeting and observe them while getting dressed yourself.

First there is the projects leader, professor Sergey. He´s just slightly older than you, probably in his early forties. The man is Moscow born and a member of the party all his life. He is the one holding the red banner in his chest, the flag of the USSR rolled up on a pole. He stares out a window as he dresses, the same focused look he gave in the cockpit.

The there is Yamuna, a biologist from Armenia. She must be about thirty you guess. What´s also noticeable about the woman is her well-kept, long and straight, bronze-colored hair. "Smooth landing pilot," she compliments.

"Thank you," you reply and then look at the two youths in the group.

"Clumsy these spacesuits," a blond man of Ukrainian origins says. He appears about twenty, and acts like it´s the first time he´s put on one of these spacesuits.

"You should appreciate them Kerim," you tell the youth. "When I was at your age we were still using the same basic spacesuit design that Yuri Gagarin wore. Could barely walk in them."

The youth flashes you a grin. He is a engineer, and if needed, a spare pilot.

The last person on the ship is Aelita, another Russian like you and Sergey. She looks even younger than Kerim, almost like a teenager. The girl seems a bit off, as if hazy, as she puts on the red space suit. She has short, jet-black hair, and is the ships medic.

Sergey puts his hand on the leaver that opens the airlock. "Well are you all ready?" he asks with a smile.

"Aye," you and you shipmates all confirm.

Sergey pulls the leaver and the gates fly open. All five of you walk out onto the planet Malinovyĭ. The first five people to ever thread on its red surface. You take your time soaking in the feeling and atmosphere, savoring that unique sensation. Kerim and Yamuna has the wonder of small children on their faces. Sergey, however, spots the prideful glare of a conquering general as his expression. All three of them looks so emotional - but not you, this isn´t the first time you´ve walked one an uncharted planet. Instead you allow yourself a small smile, and stare happily into the distance at what appears to be an easy, unproblematic mission.

Almost a minute goes by.

"So..." you say. "Are you going to set up that flag Sergey?"

The professor turns around to look at you, then at Kerim, Yamuna and Aelita. He doesn't say anything, but appears to be thinking.

Deciding that he´s taking too long you add, "you need to set up the flag Sergey before I can report to base that this planet is under the possession of the USSR."

"I know - but this is not the right place to put it." Sergey concludes. "It´s a featureless plain. Look over there," Sergey says and points at a large, sandstone rock formation nearby. "That place is much more... majestic. The red banner deserves to stand on a place people can admire," he says with a kingly voice.

"Okay," you simply reply, "just seems a bit... unnecessary that all," you end with a bit of hesitation in your voice.

"Oh come on now Mikhail, you´re not worried the Americans are going to land right next to us and claim this planet are you?" Kerim says with a humorous tone.

Yamuna chuckles, "Now, now Kerim, Mikhail has been on hundreds of planets..."

"Eighty-nine," you correct her.

"He has just been jaded by all that space-exploring that he doesn't see the wonder in claiming planets anymore. I agree with professor Sergey, let´s put the flag somewhere it will look glorious," Yamuna ends.

Sergey watches the bantering as if waiting for it to stop. "Well then, let´s go," he says as it finaly ends.

You haven´t been able to take your first step before Aelita unexpectedly collapses to her knees.

"Aelia!?" What happend?" Kerim is fist at her side, kneeling down and holding her so that she doesn't fall to her back.

You are at her side just after him, watching her face through the transparent visor. "It´s just drowsiness from the space-leap," you conclude. "It´s harmless, she just hasn´t recovered yet." You shift from speaking generally to confronting Aelita alone, "you should have told us you where still feeling the effects Aelita."

The young woman pants heavily, "yes, I know. It was stupid off me," and muscles herself to her feet, but still stands on unstable feet. "You go on without me. Place the flag on that rock. I´ll wait here in the spaceship."

"You´ll need help Aelita," you insist.

"No, no I´m perfectly fine," she retorts, but experience tells you to keep an eye on her.

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