Take the elf

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:39, 15 September 2015 by KT5354 (Talk | contribs)

The more you look at her the older, uglier and more repulsive she looks. Elves are long lived, so to look the way she does, she must be 100, 200, 500 a thousand years old. She's dressed in rags, of what you can see of her, her skin is hrey and sallow and her breasts limp dugs of skin. She reeks of unwashwed sweat, piss and shit. Just being in the same space as her makes you want to vomit.

"Fuck me please" the elf crone begs "It's been so long since I've had orc cock."

Thinking never was your strong point and it hurts just trying to string two thoughts together, so you let your gonads do the deciding

Health Horny,needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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