(LoK) Investigate her Arwing

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:05, 9 November 2012 by IrrelevantComment (Talk | contribs)

It takes a little over 10 minutes to reach the source of the smoke. Sure enough, just within the edge of the forest in a newly formed crater is the remains of Krystal's Arwing. It was a complete wreck. One of the wings was bent and by the looks of it the other had been sheared off in the collision with the ground. The hull of the ship was so contorted that Krystal was amazed she had survived. She did everything she could not to think about what had happened to Fox. "He'll be fine," she thinks, "he might've ejected from his ship before it crashed, and even if he didn't, he's tough. If I survived, he would have too". She wasn't sure she believed that though, and she redoubled her effort to focus on her situation.

The cockpit door was still open from earlier - not that it mattered as there was little left of the glass screen - and she manages to climb into what was left of the cockpit. The front of the ship had been forced inwards and it was a tight fit, and the smoke and the fading light didn't help. Twice she cut herself on broken glass or steel but eventually she manages to crouch in the cockpit and look around.

The console in front of her was busted. Between the smoke and the sparks it was giving off it didn't seem like a good idea to try to get it to switch back on, so using the ships communication system to call for help was out of the window. She looks around for anything that might be useful to her, but she knew it was a lost cause. It was a routine training drill, she hadn't needed food or weapons. Krystal suddenly notices how hungry she is, realising that aside from that 'soup' she hasn't eaten all day.

As Krystal starts thinking about the meals she's missed, she notices the sound of footsteps drawing near. Her first instinct is to talk to whoever it is, but she quickly aborts that idea when she hears two voices talking. She can't make out the words from within the cockpit, but she recognises the deep, croaky voices of the SharpClaw.

The footsteps were drawing nearer - the SharpClaw were definitely headed her way. Does she:

Health 100 Equipment:

Tribal Armour

MP 0
Level 0
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