Tell her The truth

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:29, 1 July 2012 by Bayonetta Lover (Talk | contribs)
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You wanted to tell Claudia every single thought that was going through your head, the mental images that was tearing at your soul.

"My-My?" Her heavenly voice tries to get your attention.

But all you could mumble was: "This adventure is the problem. If I refuse the call, I could let my family die, but if I accept this fate, I could get killed and die in vain."

"WHAT?!" Claudia jumped up and sat in the space between passager and driver.

"Why would you think Iris would ever let such a thing happen?"

You hissed and looked away from her glowing presence then responded bitterly. "Because we're her soldiers and that's what soldiers do! They die!"

You felt an adult hand hit the back of your head. Through the angel's glow you barely see your mother's angry expression.

Mom says. "This is exactly why your school is about to call social services on me, talking about that crap to your self!"

Myona: SO keep talking to myself anout other stuff?

Mom: NO STOP talking to yourself about ANYTHING! Geez... just crazy like your father.....

Claudia pouts "I'm sorry My-My." Since Claudia appeared you have been talking to yourself more than usual. Before, you use to write about subjects adults consider taboo to teens. Instead of just discussing it with you, your teachers reported these 'disturbing' to your parents and authorize you to go to therapy. Now with Iris, you've become worst.

You mumble: I cant talk to you right now.

Mom: mumble mumble mumble! Mumble! You get an irriated look on your face as you yelled. "Fine! I'll stop!"

Claudia: Well, I'll talk and you listen. Iris is a kind and thoughtful person, and she wouldn't throw you in war to die.Trust me she's told me herself that she would help all of us be absolutely safe. Besides, we're going to be magical! And we're going to have a fun time and meet new and..!

Myona: *about to say something*

Claudia: Don't WORRY. Have some faith!


* You're glasses are far too Rosy for this world

Health 100% Equipment:

Relationship with Claudia has increased

MP Year 1
Level 0
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