Stuff that I want, what else would I need?

From Create Your Own Story

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You pack the stuff you want, and you then immediately head to the airport. Do do doo.. This was boring.. Nothing to do.. You brought the stuff you WANT. You're tired and wanted a soft pillow to lay on, even if you brought the stuff you needed, it'd have to stay in luggage, because once it's in baggage check, you don't get it back it is in the back of the plane, and so if you took it out, you can't put it back.. You go over to baggage check where they keep your baggage to goto the back of the aircraft, you do so while looking at you watch, so you bump into someone about your age, with a family with him. "Hey, um, excuse me, miss." He says as polite as possible, even though you can see the anger in his eyes, his parents wouldn't let him do that. "Oh, sorry." You look up at him and smile at him, even though inside you're thinking. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I LIKE HIM AND I CAN'T SEE HIM EVER AGAIN! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You begin to twitch and he looks worried, "WOAH! Are you alright!?" He asks. "What?" You didn't even realize you were twitching because of how fast the motion was. "Nevermind.. It stopped." He chuckled. He didn't even bother giving you his name, neither did you.. you knew that you weren't going to meet again. "We're having some difficulties, someones bag has been broken by accident by the machine, all those who did, and were going to luggage check, please sit down in waiting as we finish this. Idiots, can't even get baggage right.. "Ma'am, your baggage number is; 1457236, You should probably write that down." (it'll be required later in the game.) You two sat together in the seats, and began a conversation.. "So, where are you going?" He asked.

Florida, pretty classy, I know.. it was the only place other than China that seemed interesting, Though Florida isn't the safest place to live.. but what can you do? Better than anywhere else, right?

California, I hear they have some pretty good spots to look about, and it's just I've heard about it alot, and by alot, I mean it's the number one place for movie slash TV recordings.

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