Mia/Blue Dress

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The maids smile devilishly as they show you a nice blue dress that looks quite embarrassing to you. It isn't really that bad, but more like what a normal girl would wear. Then again, you always wear dresses that cover you from head to toe. Usually, you can even hide your face behind the cloth.

As you stand there and try to stammer out some words, they move in and start to dress you. You helplessly let them slip on the dress under heavy giggling and they turn you to face a mirror.

You look cute, unlike usual, you can clearly see your face wich makes you quite embarrassed, you fidget in front of the mirror unsure.

"Don't worry miss, you look absolutely lovely in this dress" the maids tell you. But you aren't quite convinced, so they decide to drag in a servant that was standing outside and ask him "Doesn't she look lovely?". The servant goes red in the face and starts nodding enthusiastically unable to say anything coherent. "see, I bet your betrothed will love you the moment he lays eyes on you." they happily banter.

"umm.. do any of you have any idea who I ll be.. err" you shyly ask them, your voice failing you halfway. They all smile broadly and reply they haven't heard who you'll be marrying yet either, but they're sure it'll be a dreamy prince.

Having recovered from the initial shock of being dragged into a royal bedroom to comment on a dress, the servant speaks up "umm.. milady, your carriage has been prepared and is waiting downstairs. I'm sure captain Duran will know who was chosen for you".

with that, the maids drag you outside, eager to go find out more from this 'captain Duran'.

They decided to throw you a surprise party and ambush you on your way down

You make it to your carriage without running into anyone

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