Rip the blouse completely open to get at her tits.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:00, 12 April 2012 by Blackdragon25 (Talk | contribs)

Your so horny you’re having a hard time making your fingers work at all. In a grunt of frustration you grab a hold of the material of the blouse and rip it open sending buttons flying into the sink like shrapnel and earning a shriek from you surprised wife. “Steven.., oh my God, what are you doing?”

While sucking at her neck and after biting her earlobe a little you whisper into her ear. “Taking what I want.” You tell her in a low, straining voice. That being said you grab a hold of the flimsy, front-latching bra and pop it open with a forceful yank, causing her tits to bounce as they spring free of their confines. Stacy is about to protest until you grab a hand full of tit-flesh in each of your paws and begin to squeeze them, making sure the only sound to come out of her mouth is low, lust filled moan.

“Oh my… Ahhh, Steven don’t stop, take me.., please.” She begs. Leaving one hand to grope her heaving DDs you move the other hand into her slacks, popping the front button, allowing enough room to maneuver your hand into her panties and begin to finger her already wet pussy. “Ah God yes! That’s it…, yeah that’s it..,” she moans while gyrating her hips against your hand.

“I’m going to fuck you like the horny slut you are” You tell her shoving another finger into her tight cunt, ramming both finger in and out hard enough to drive her crazy but no so hard as to hurt her.

“I am a horny slut,” Stacy confirms in a voice dripping with sexual need. “I need this so bad. Baby, please make me come, I’ll do whatever you want to just make me come.”

Ripping Stacy's clothing from her body has un-expected side effect. Aside from the fact that Stacy has offered in no uncertain term to be a complete slut for you, you are also more aroused then you have been during your 15 year marriage. What to do from here.

With Stacy this turned on, this may be a good time to:

Or you could take a more active role:

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