Take even more clothes off

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:22, 12 August 2011 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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"I think I'm horny, that's what," you say to Mr. Greene.

You step out of your skirt and pull off your tank top and bra so that you are completely nude. An unruly kid who is sitting in the back yells, "YEAH! What a slut!"

Soon after that, more kids shout out what a whore you are. Before you know it, the class is in an uproar and Mr. Greene forgets all about protecting the kids' innocent eyes. He steps away from you as he tries to regain order in the classroom.

But it's no use. The kids want a slut, not a lesson. The unruly kid from the back hits the teacher over the head with a book, knocking him out cold. He then yells to his fellow classmates, "Come on, boys! Let's teach Brandon's mom a lesson!"

You're overrun by horny, teenage boys who all want a piece of you, but first in line is the unruly kid.

"You're just the kind of girl I like," he says. "A fucking horny whore." The kid takes off his pants and fingers your slit.

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Young-Looking, Pretty Mother
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