Vote thinking the evidence is too circumstantial-Not Guilty

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 08:15, 17 September 2010

As it turns out your vote was the one that decided that he would be declared innocent because the voting ended almost immediately after your voting. You carefully reflect on this and wonder if it was the right decision. "Did I just let a killer go?" you keep asking yourself while you sat at work.

After work you go to see your close friend who is working as a surgery intern. He says "Hey can you believe they let that guy go? All the evidence was right there!" You take pause then say back to your friend in a weakened tone "Well, all of that evidence was circumstantial, he had no motive and he doesn't look like the killing type." He responds back saying "That may seem true but can the city afford to let go a man who seems why too connected to these mass murders? More people will defiantly die if no one is locked up, but if some one is then there is a chance the murders can stop."

Your friend's last line made you really think. Perhaps you should look into things further to see if you really made the right decision.

You go to the police station to see if they could tell you more information. The detective tells you that since the murders started there have been numerous robberies including ones from the suspected scientist, a hospital, and local restaurants. He also mentioned that there are rumors of a real ninja running around the city. As outlandish as they were there was still quite a few accounts of the sightings. You walk out of the station with the detective and he says to you "If you go investigating this watch your back."

Suddenly you see the detective get struck a ninja star to the throat. You see a shadow running away. Grabbing the detectives gun you start to run after the shadow, suddenly you get a phone call from your friend. Answering it while running he tells you panicked that he has been stabbed, losing a lot and the ambulance has not yet arrived. He tells you he is only a 1/4 of a mile away and you figure if you take a police car you can reach take him to the hospital before the ambulance can arrive. What do you do?

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