Girl Scout Cookies/I'd like to fuck you

From Create Your Own Story

< Girl Scout Cookies(Difference between revisions)
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* [[Girl Scout Cookies/Slide your hand up her leg (a)|Slide your hand up her leg]]
* [[Girl Scout Cookies/Slide your hand up her leg (a)|Slide your hand up her leg]]
[[Category: Girl Scout Cookies]]
[[Category: Girl Scout Cookies|I'd like to fuck you]]

Current revision as of 02:29, 17 July 2010

“Yes, I’d like to fuck you,” you reply directly.

Claire doesn’t seem either offended or surprised by your statement. “So would half of my high school. What’s in it for me?” she replies.

Good question, you think. “I can give you a really good time,” you say.

“Isn’t that what all guys claim,” Claire replies. “Plus, it’s really hard to get a refund afterwards.”

“Well, what about if I buy the entire case of cookies?” you suggest.

“You probably think you’re getting quite a bargain there,” Claire mutters. “What about this: you buy the case of cookies and I’ll make out with you. If you do give me a good time, I’ll let you continue.”

You figure that’s as good of a deal as you’re going to get, so you agree. Claire puts the case of cookies on the counter and you fork over a large chunk of cash which she tucks into her pocket. Claire then sits down on the couch, patting the space next to her.

You sit down next to Claire, putting your arm around her shoulder. She leans in to give you a kiss and soon your tongues are swirling around each other. How do you proceed?

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