Take out a diaper, a skirt and a blouse

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Revision as of 15:26, 24 August 2008

"Thanks" The girl says not seeing exactly what you're holding "I didn't want to go back to my boyfriend's room in wet clothes, he probably won't notice I didn't leave with these, he surely would've noticed if I walked back like this though..." The girl stops talking for a moment as she realizes you're holding a diaper. "Uh I don't need a diaper, this was just an accident"

"I can't let you borrow my clothes if I think you're going to ruin them, you didn't seem able to hold it for long back there."

The girl blushes, but doesn't argue with you, realizing that wearing a diaper is the lesser of two evils at this point.

You find some wet wipes under your bed which you pull out as you reach out to take off the girl's clothes.

"Hey I can change myself" the girl says giving you a strange look.

"Sorry, it's just that if you don't diaper yourself often it can be a tricky job." You say making up the best excuse you can to get a chance at undressing this girl. You may be in a girl's body now but your old mind still feels attracted to her.

"I'll handle it" the girl says motioning for you to turn around.


Respect her privacy

Attempt to help her anyway

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