"Show time", Nathan Route, Safe for Work, enter Transfiguration, M

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Too soon you reach the heavy oaken door of your classroom. Nathan grasps your arm, meeting your gaze intently. "Wish me luck today," he says, voice earnest. You promise to cross your fingers for him, lips quirking in an amused smile. With a last brilliant grin, he waves and disappears inside.

Tyler is already inside waiting for you, her voice carrying over the din of conversations, her eager hand waving you to the seat next to her. Her rose-scented perfume wafts around you as you make idle small talk about your shared dream walking homework. The minutes tick by, and you crane your neck searching for any sign of Alex's tousled brown hair in the bustling room. The teacher has just opened her mouth to speak when-

Suddenly the door crashes open and Alex stumbles through, clothes askew and panting heavily. He collapses into the chair on your other side, chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath.

"Well good morning, sunshine," you quip, taking in his disheveled appearance with amusement. "Long night?"

Alex shoots you a crooked grin, eyes glinting mischievously. "Maybe if someone hadn't ditched me this morning, I wouldn't have had to sprint across campus to make it here on time."

You roll your eyes in response. "Please. Professor Johnson has been teaching the same transportation spell for weeks now. It's not like I missed anything thrilling."

Tyler giggles at your bickering, green eyes dancing with humor. Alex shakes his head in mock exasperation, sandy hair flopping over his eyes. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, class," the teacher called out, her voice booming in the room. "I need a volunteer for our first demonstration." Tyler's eyes lit up, and seeing an opportunity to rib Alex in his tired state (and keep him paying attention, you could already see him resting his eyes for a quick nap), she nudged your ribs and encouraged you to do the same to Alex.

"Go on," you muttered, giving Alex a gentle poke as Tyler had requested.

"Me?" he asked, eyes blinking back open in slow motion, the lazy grin on his face only growing. Tyler nodded silently, her eyes giddy with anticipation. With a teasing sigh, Alex raised his hand, and pushed himself out of his chair to be the volunteer Madam had asked for.

"Very well," the teacher said, beckoning him forward. "Come up here, Alex."

As he stood and made his way to the front of the classroom, you couldn't help but marvel at his ability to switch gears so effortlessly. There was no hint of what had transpired earlier aside from the pop of his collar, and yet, it lingered in your mind like a secret you couldn't shake off. You refocused on the lesson, knowing that dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. But as the class continued, you found yourself stealing glances at Alex, wondering what else he might be hiding behind that charming smile.

(( Watch Alex do his studious due diligence up front, M| Watch Alex volunteer ))

(( Ask Tyler about her work, M| Ask Tyler how work went in note form ))

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