Cute Smutty Yuri Fluff/Can good looking Eskimo girls be called hot?

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You get comfortable in your bed. Like always, strange questions enter your mind. This time, the topic of Eskimos comes up. Can good looking Eskimo girls be called hot? Eskimos live in colder climates, so calling them hot would be a little weird, as they'd most likely be freezing, or at least cold. Maybe they just don't feel the cold so badly? To them, calling an attractive Eskimo girl hot would make sense for them.

Thinking about them brings you to the thought of the hot Eskimo girl that you met on a holiday to the mountains. She WAS pretty hot. 'Calling an Eskimo hot would definitely be fair.' you think to yourself. You would love to talk to her again. The only problem is, you never established any method of contact. A real shame. She's got a good booty and seemed really nice.

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