
From Create Your Own Story

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[[Category: Leaving]]
[[Category: Leaving|Marie/Suicide/Jump]]

Revision as of 18:34, 26 April 2016

When they say someone falling to their death dies before they hit the ground, they mean one of two scenarios.

One, that the person is already at terminal velocity before impact. In which case, you don't actually die before you hit the ground, you die before your brain has processed that you've hit the ground. To your mind, you're still half a second above ground when everything goes black.

Or two, that you've fallen from such a height that the fall itself has killed you for one reason or another.

If in fact you're falling from much lower, but still high enough to cause fatal injury, you'll experience the impact and everything leading up to your brain shutting down. If you're lucky, you'll go into shock before you have to experience the pain from your body being crushed, if you don't die right away.

Knowing this, you choose a building you believe will be high enough. About 20 stories. You rewrite your suicide note to say that your death will probably be in the news, and send it off.

You stand on the edge of the roof and look down at the street below. Despite your plan to leap off, the fear of falling off the ledge kicks in the same as ever.

"Hey," a voice calls from behind you. A man, probably someone who works here. "What are you up to, up here?"

"About 20 stories," you say.

"Funny," he says, "you don't look like you work here. You a jumper?"

You don't respond right away, "maybe."

"Any way I can convince you not to?" He asks. You shake your head. "Well, do you want some company before you jump?"

"Sure," you say.

The two of you talk for a while about nothing before you feel like you need to do something more than that.

What do you feel like you need to do?

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