
From Create Your Own Story

(Difference between revisions)
(added sexbots and a bit to demons)
(tiny tiny retcon + something I never got around to adding + slight demon change)
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* Omnibi: 6' to 7'9"
* Omnibi: 6' to 7'9"
'''Special Notes:''' All demon kinds (except the generic ones) come in a "high" version. They have moderate shapeshifting powers, to the extent of complete skin color changes, removal of the horns and tail, and modifications to biology. High Omnibi have the most power, being able to do a large amount of things. High Imps can do the least to their bodies, but still have high modification capacity. The only thing impossible to change? Height. Height cannot be modified. The best that can be done is growth or removal of heel-feet, which can add anywhere from a fraction of an inch to many inches of height. However, this only applies to pure high demons. Hybrids lack this restriction. Succubi and omnibi's orifices glow orange when they are high on energy, and are purple when low on energy.
'''Special Notes:''' All demon kinds (except the generic ones) come in a "high" version. They have moderate shapeshifting powers, to the extent of complete skin color changes, removal of the horns and tail, and modifications to biology. High Omnibi have the most power, being able to do a large amount of things. High Imps can do the least to their bodies, but still have high modification capacity. The only thing impossible to change? Height. Height cannot be modified. The best that can be done is growth or removal of heel-feet, which can add anywhere from a fraction of an inch to many inches of height. However, this only applies to pure high demons. Hybrids lack this restriction. Succubi and omnibi's orifices glow orange when they are high on energy, and are purple when low on energy. Oh, also, imps fly using small bat-like wings.
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'''Height Range:''' Any height between 3'11" and 7'1"
'''Height Range:''' Any height between 3'11" and 7'1"
'''Special Notes:''' Highly customizable, Sexbots come in many different shapes and sizes. Their grey skin is to avoid the uncanny valley - it, along with visible joints, aids in them being far more endearing than creepy. They're also just as stretchy as any organic being. They are built with great detail, including fallopian tubes and ovaries, even though they are infertile, being mechanical. Many advancements are made in the field of sexbot construction, however, and fertility is one of things currently being worked on.
'''Special Notes:''' Highly customizable, Sexbots come in many different shapes and sizes. Their grey skin is to avoid the uncanny valley - it, along with visible joints, aids in them being far more endearing than creepy. They're also just as stretchy as any organic being. They are built with great detail, including fallopian tubes and ovaries. They are completely fertile; sexbots give birth to sexbots, while the results of being impregnated by a sexbot vary somewhat; the child tends to be very much like the mother. In addition, what their urine is can be selected upon creation. Options include water, urine, and beer, among others.

Revision as of 22:03, 21 April 2016

Yes, Kinkfinity has fantasy races. Despite this, it doesn't fit in any sort of "fantasy" class of stories. The races are just... there. Nobody finds it too odd. Fertility functions perfectly fine between races. Other complications may occur but pregnancy is not one of them.

Every time a new one is introduced, this page will get an update soonish.



Humans are the most common race. There's a lot of them. They're mostly similar to real-world humans. Mostly. Differences include a lack of a true male sex, incredible elasticity and stretchiness, inability to be injured or affected at all by oxygen deprivation or blood loss, be it due to prolonged deepthroat or an oversized erection. They have the greatest amount of variation out of nearly all races. It's to the extent that I don't even bother mentioning skin, eye, or hair colors, or even hairstyles.


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Every skin color someone can have in the real world, but they occur more like eye and hair color do.

Eye Colors: Brown, Blue, Amber, Hazel, Grey

Hair Colors: Black, Brown, Auburn, Blond

Height Range: Adult height ranges from between 4'8" and 6'6", for the most part

Special Notes: True Hermaphrodites may be born with either a human or a horse penis. The chance of this happening and the reason behind it is unknown, but those with a horse penis typically have larger penises.


Goblins are pretty uncommon, but easy to identify. They all have green skin, are all short, have unusual biology, and are slightly wider than you'd expect for someone their height. Despite how uncommon they are, there are many people who are part goblin and part something else. They're typically seen in places of high sexual activity, not because they feed off of it, but because they like sex. A lot. Despite frequently getting into sexual situations more intense than they thought, goblins are pretty crafty. They build lots of unusually complicated sex toys out of boredom (both mental and sexual). Oddly, the uncommon males show minimal sexual desire but build extremely complex devices over the course of mere days, making them mostly manifestations of craftiness.


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite, Male

Skin Colors: Anywhere from a light green to a dark green.

Eye Colors: Purple, Orange, Lemon Yellow

Hair Colors: Purple, Blue, Dark Teal

Height Range: Adult height ranges from 3'11" to 4'6", for the most part.

Special Notes: Remember the mention of "unusual biology"? Yeah? Well, it's a kicker. Female and True Hermaphrodite goblins have two uteri. One connected to the other. The furthest one is always fertile, while the one nearest to their vaginal opening is only fertile if the furthest one is. By unknown processes, if two pregnancies exist and one is older than the other, the oldest ends up in the nearest uterus. This doesn't happen if multiple eggs from the same uterus are fertilized, only if both uteri have pregnancies. Despite a dual-uterus system, they also have an impressive amount of ovaries. Each uterus has between 8 and 16 of its own ovaries (4 and 8 pairs). Each pair alternates ovulation, but pairs of unusual sync that varies from goblin to goblin. Some have them in a perfect sync, having at most two eggs at once. Some have them all ovulate at once, meaning insemination leads to 4-8 children (ignoring the possibility of twins or above). Going along with this is that they have two cervices. The outer one which leads to the nearest uterus is rather loose (tight enough to cause pleasure but not difficult to penetrate). The inner one which leads to the furthest uterus is very tight, but still possible to penetrate, if your penis is long enough. Goblins also lactate all the time, presumably to permit feeding of children if one mother has more than can be handled by her two breasts. Among these other things, they all have big bladders (by the definitions used in the Character Sheets, between large and colossal, although some can be even larger). No reason for this is known, but this does go against their stature. It goes against it enough that one with a colossal bladder will have a very large bulging bladder and the potential to make noise while walking. Like I said, it's a kicker. Oh, and they go into a sort of heat every two years where every ovary ovulates, even in the nearer uterus. They become extremely horny during this period. One more note - their gestation period is 4 months.


Ah, demons. The thing religions hate and Western creators of porn love for some reason. Denizens of the underworld, they come in many varieties, but they're pretty much always red, and always some form of evil. All demons have horns and a tail; some succubi and some omnibi might have feet shaped like heels.


Types: Generic demons (typically sexless), Imps (male, female), Succubi (always female), Incubi (always male), Omnibi (always true intersex)

Skin Colors: Red, Dark Red, Purple (rarely)

Eye Colors: Red, Orange, Brimstone

Hair Colors: Bright Red, Pink, Dark Red, Orange, Maroon, Yellow

Height Range:

  • Generic Demons: 4'9" to 6'8"
  • Imps: 2'4" to 3'
  • Succubi and Incubi: 5'1" to 6'10"
  • Omnibi: 6' to 7'9"

Special Notes: All demon kinds (except the generic ones) come in a "high" version. They have moderate shapeshifting powers, to the extent of complete skin color changes, removal of the horns and tail, and modifications to biology. High Omnibi have the most power, being able to do a large amount of things. High Imps can do the least to their bodies, but still have high modification capacity. The only thing impossible to change? Height. Height cannot be modified. The best that can be done is growth or removal of heel-feet, which can add anywhere from a fraction of an inch to many inches of height. However, this only applies to pure high demons. Hybrids lack this restriction. Succubi and omnibi's orifices glow orange when they are high on energy, and are purple when low on energy. Oh, also, imps fly using small bat-like wings.


Elves are somewhat similar to humans, but with greater connection with magic. They're also somewhat smaller, but not by too much. They prefer to live in forests.


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Various pale colors

Eye Colors: Green, Blue, Light Grey, Sepia

Hair Colors: Silvery, Brown, Light Green

Height Range: Adult height ranges from between 4'3" and 5'5", for the most part

Special Notes: Elves, unlike humans, only have human-type penises. Of course, they can use magic to alter their body in most any way, so elves with massive horse-dicks isn't unheard of. Their society is more sexualized than human society, but far less than goblin society. They often have unusual sex-based competitions. Unlike human society, however, they do not like pure demons. Those who are only partially demonic are fine with them, though. Their gestation period is 8 and a half months, but magic is typically used to safely accelerate this process to only a couple of weeks.


Built as a joint effort between humans, goblins, and elves, sexbots are, as their name implies, robots built for sex. They're as sapient as any other race, and they usually don't take offense to being owned.


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Multiple different grays

Eye Colors: Any eye color available to humans, goblins, and elves

Hair Colors: Every color

Height Range: Any height between 3'11" and 7'1"

Special Notes: Highly customizable, Sexbots come in many different shapes and sizes. Their grey skin is to avoid the uncanny valley - it, along with visible joints, aids in them being far more endearing than creepy. They're also just as stretchy as any organic being. They are built with great detail, including fallopian tubes and ovaries. They are completely fertile; sexbots give birth to sexbots, while the results of being impregnated by a sexbot vary somewhat; the child tends to be very much like the mother. In addition, what their urine is can be selected upon creation. Options include water, urine, and beer, among others.

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