BD/A human female, volunteered by her father to curry the dragon's favor

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 09:17, 23 January 2016

You can barely hold back the tears as you are marched into the Dragon Lord's den, but you refuse to cry in front of the others. You're a strong young woman, but not pretty like your sisters, not graceful and flirty. None of the young man in the village have come asking for your hand, which is why your father forced you into the dragon's service, hoping to get some good out of you. You would almost rather be dead than be whored out to this monster.

You enter the blocky, stone building and stop outside a giant wooden door. It looks like something has been sharpening its claws on the wood, carving deep gouges into it. Then the doors open and your small group is ushered inside and the doors close behind you. You feel trapped. You try to see around the green dragon that is part of your group, but the big room is almost empty. After a moment, a tall, handsome woman walks over.

"Welcome to Lord Vayne's harem," she says and you cringe. "While you are here, you will be fed and clothed and given a place to sleep. When Lord Vayne summons you to his chambers, you will go with all haste and perform whatever acts he wishes, or you will be eaten. It's as simple as that. Now, makes yourselves comfortable; I'm sure Lord Vayne will want to meet each of you before long." She walks away, leaving the others looking nervous or muttering to themselves.

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