D&D: Step inside and try and find the man in charge of this place

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You push open the door and are met by crushing humidity and the smell of sex. You wrinkle your nose, this is a brothel alright, and one that seems to be in good business. Being small, you easily make your way over to the bar and sit yourself on a stool. The bartender is a young lady clad in a dark red bodice with an extremely short skirt that doesn't even conceal her black velvet panties while she stands before you, let alone if she bent over.

She smiles at you, "It's not often we have other ladies come here, a drink little miss?"

You smile back, brushing hair aside. "As nice as a drink sounds, I'm here for business. Might I speak to the man in charge?"

She looks at you sideways, as if sizing you up. "What kind of business I wonder? What kind of work do you do with those little hands, hmm?" she giggles to herself. "Not like it matters. Come with me," she whistles to one of the waitresses and leads you to a back room, her underwear swaying at your head-height the whole way.

Inside sits a young elven man at a desk covered in paperwork and a dark décor room that is well lit, which is not what you would expect from a low class place. The bar lady steps up. "R, this lady would like to see you about business." and with that she takes a seat by the door. The man, R, motions for you to approach.

"Ah, young lady! Welcome to my humble establishment! Please, you must tell me all you've heard!"

He looks to be in his late twenties, or late thirties. Though because he is an elf, it's almost anyone's guess as to his true age. You step forward and smile, "I have heard that this lovely place is where to go for talented individuals, who are discreet and good with their hands." You pause, knowing you still haven't specified whether you are here to be a thief or a whore. He leans forward and you continue, "In particular, matters pertaining the exchange of gold and goods without explicit permission."

He looks you over, and quickly answers. "You would fit in well here, though I don't think you quite understand. Our thieves are our whores. That isn't a joke on our prices, it's part of our service."

The Lady chirps up behind you. "Phuck a Thief." she utters the first syllable of 'fuck' differently to make it rhyme better. Both the other people in the room chuckle. "A lovely motto that makes the place appeal to families, I like it." You smile

The elf speaks up again. "Yes, it helps our clients get to know their people better, and it also means we know they can pay for our services. Any other questions, or do you want out?"

D&D: About what he said last, how does them paying for services prove they have the money for a much larger job?

D&D: Fuck a thief, really? Your out, where's the door?

D&D: This seems to have been thrown on you. Why have they been so quick to offer you a job?

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