Get to the Waterfall!

From Create Your Own Story

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You bypass the town and head south, weaving through the trees.

As you run, you can’t help but admire how serene the forest feels. Bird Pokemon fly above you, their songs filling the air. It lifts your heart.

Somewhere along the way, while racing through the forest, you end up running along a river. Just for the heck of it, you decide to run along on top of the river.

You have a grand time, dashing along. Every now and then a Pokemon swimming below you would jump up and say hello. Others, you were amused to see, would try to race you from below the water. They weren’t very successful, however. You aren’t the swiftest legendary beast for nothing, after all. Thanks to the North Wind.

The river takes you around Violet City and then you break off from it when it turns westward.

You have to stop short suddenly when you notice a mountain appear in your path. You’re somewhat surprised (more like dismayed at yourself) that you didn’t see it coming, though it is rather small…

You recognize it as Dark Cave.

You decide against about entering. You think its best to get there as soon as possible and it would actually be quicker to stay aboveground. You move on, climbing over the small mountain, bounding from ledge to ledge.

You spy mountain climbers as you make your way over, but speed up quick enough so that they don’t catch more then a flash of bluish-purple as you race by.

As you near your destination, you encounter another river. You deduce that this river will take you over the waterfall that is your destination. You run along the riverbank, eager to get your destiny started, until you find the edge and look down at the pond at the bottom.

Various types of Pokemon frolic in the water below, but you see that for every other Pokemon that’s present, there’s a Quagsire as well.

You pause a moment in thought as you recognize exactly where you must be. This must be Blue Moon Falls.

You admire the clean, shining water for a minute, and then carefully pick a path down the cliff face.

As soon as you hit the ground, the lake stills as all the Pokemon present pause in their activities to look at you.

Mysterious and legendary. Mysterious and legendary. You repeat in your head as you walk over. You slightly nod your head (in what you hope is in a regal manner) when you’ve come to a stop beside the water’s edge.

To your relief, after a few moments of quiet thought, the Pokemon turn back to whatever it was they were doing.

You glance around, looking for anything amiss.

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