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{{Princess Status|Equipment=''Gladiator's Outfit, bandages, Dual Scimitars''|Health=90|Stamina=100|Mood=Nervous|Money=0|Possesions=''none''}}
{{Princess Status|Equipment=''Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars''|Health=90|Stamina=100|Mood=Nervous|Money=0|Possesions=''none''}}
[[Category:The life of a medieval princess]]
[[Category:The life of a medieval princess]]

Revision as of 08:15, 3 February 2012

Limping from your injury, you follow him to a large training area where you see several girls in outfits similar to yours. A little farther is a bunch of guys training in heavier-looking armor. Tho there is also a group of guys wearing only pants and barbaric paintings.

Two of the older girls rush over when they see you limping up to the training area behind the scarred man. "You alright?" one of them asks concernedly "What did you do to her Scar?" the other one asks your scarred guide. You still don't know his real name, but it seems calling him 'scar' isn't that uncommon either..

He sighs "I got a little carried away in testing what she can do, she's got no real skills but I suppose she has some guts at least" They eye him suspiciously, then take you into a nearby tent. They take out some medical equipment, remove the clumsy bandages and disinfect the wound. "Seems like you'll be okay, just take it easy for a bit" one of them says. "My name's Jessica by the way, whats yours?", "Mia" you reply and the other woman identifies herself as 'Samantha', or 'Sam' for short.

You make some chit-chat with them and they tell you a gladiator's job is to fight in arena's. You get scared and ask them if they mean fights to the death. They giggle a bit "No, not quite, tho the guys do that alot. Female gladiators aren't killed that often, It does happen though, so keep your guard up" Jessica explains. Sam adds "Well, regardless of being killed or not, losing is always a really bad idea, trust me". Both of them look down for a moment, then they return to being cheery and they patch you up in clean bandages, tell you to take a nap, and leave.

Thinking you're alone in the tent you lie down and try to sleep. Then you hear someone move behind you. you look around to see another girl in gladiator armor with her arm all wrapped up, you've got no medical knowledge whatsoever but even you can figure out its probably broken. She looks up at you with teary eyes "You.. lost too?" she asks weakly. You nod "Scar completely wiped the floor with me" you say with a pained sigh. She tries to smile but its more of a grimace "you fought Scar? Then you must be new. He only ever fights with new girls to test their mettle or with the very best. No offense, but you don't look or sound like the latter. You giggle "That's right, my name's Mia, what's yours" you extend your hand to shake hers, only to realize her arm's broken. She chuckles.

You talk for a while and find out that her name is Cassie, she was kidnapped by slavers much like you were, although you haven't fully realized that yet, brought here and forced to become a gladiator. She then starts complaining about being beaten up by everyone, the teachers, the other students and a few times by herself when she lost grip of her weapon or fell down during a swing. The latter being how she broke her arm. You two chat for a while longer about her life as a gladiator and what's in store for you, and also about Scar and the teachers. Eventually, you both get tired and fall asleep.

After spending a few days together in the tent to recover, you are both brought back to the training grounds

Health 90 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars

Stamina 100
Mood Nervous Inventory:


Purse {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}}
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