Idea Pitches

From Create Your Own Story

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This is a page full of IDEAS for choose your own adventures that haven't been authored yet. Sometimes, you have a great idea, but you just can't finish its story, right? Post the idea or unfinished piece here and have it changed.
This is a page full of IDEAS for choose your own adventures that haven't been authored yet. Sometimes, you have a great idea, but you just can't finish its story, right? Post the idea or unfinished piece here and have it changed.
* [[Idea Pitches/Archive 1]]
'''FYI: Archives --''' This talk page is getting a bit water logged, so I transferred all conversation that took place before 2019 into an archive page. That way things remain somewhat organized now. When things get even more crowded, I or Platypus will transfer whatever is posted here over the next year or two into another archive page.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 08:10, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
=Succubus RPG==
==Subject 1==
Would anyone want to participate in an RPG with succubi?  Either playing as the Succubi or humans.  And would it be best to have it novel (free-form) or stat based?--[[User:ChaosLacky|ChaosLacky]] 10:08, 20 March 2010 (UTC)
julian: i got this cool idea where you wake up on a space station with no memory and there doesnt seem to be any people around.  The whole place is falling apart, and walls are collapsing and whatever.  The ship was actually the last humans from earth, but we had to evacuate earth for some reason, but on the ship somehting went wrong and a bunch of people died. i dunno, just the beginning of an idea, but please give me some ideas if possible.
i also got this other idea, where instead of every option leading to entirely new stories and everything, you start off with a map of the area your going to choose your own adventureize and make every point where you can stand a new page. sort of like a point and click game, only with choose your own adventure.  i left a more in depth explination in the discussion part, so look at that to.  Also, if certain things in the game are kept track of by the player, on a peice of paper or something.  For example, in the story "a knights tale" you could cut down the amount of work significantly by having player's stats kept on paper instead of each class leading to a new page, meaning you could expand much easier and faster.
Kawi: I've been thinking about making a story where you are an international mercenary and you get to choose an organisation to work for. I went as far to make a setting for this story.
This is it so far...
This story is set in the dystopian future of 2050. You are a mercenary, Jack Templar. You work for whoever pays the highest price. In such an unstable world, you are never short of work.
Here is a brief summary of Jack Templar world
North America- The former superpower was plunged into a second civil war during the 2030�s. The North and the South are once again at each others throat. Neither side can gain superiority over the other.
Western Europe- Its people have the best standards of living. However, puppet democracies are really controlled by powerful aristocratic families and everyone is under 24 hour surveillance for their â��protectionâ��. Think George Orwellâ��s 1984   
Eastern Europe- Individual warlords control the rural areas, and the conflict between them creates many atrocities. Meanwhile, its larger cities have become the red light district of the world as a result of the thriving sex slave trade. 
Africa- Any hopes for harmony in Africa are all but destroyed. Old tribal tensions and civil unrest has plunged the continent into unimaginable bloodshed. As a result, most of the world�s military contactors use it as a base of operations.
China and Japan- An uneasy truce exists between the worlds leading military and technological super powers. Their mutually beneficial arrangement makes them a force to be reckoned with. They are suspicious of all foreigners. 
[[Jim's Barbeque]]- Prophets of the onset of the most delicious food this universe has ever seen, and fanatics in the ways of beef-fu. The leader is a figure cloaked in the shadowy fumes of teriyaki sauce, and noone has ever seen this wonderous man (or woman????).
South America- Most of the continent is controlled by a dictator. To the people, he is a benevolent revolutionary. Under the surface, he runs the biggest drug operation in the entire world. Resistance forces occupy most of the Amazon.   
Russia- The old soviet power has long since shut its door on the rest of the world. Few know what goes on inside the country.
Middle East- Groups of all descriptions squabble over the last oil reserves. The longest wall ever built surrounds the state of Israel. Meanwhile, Palestinians have united and started an organised front against their old enemies.
Australia- An unknown epidemic swept the continent clean of any human habitation. There are many rumours that mutants occupy certain parts of the mainland.
Sorry. My imagination went a bit crazy.Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appriciated.
---You've created a world. Not much else. There's no real plot to your idea, or supporting cast, or anything. These things could be forgivable, but your world isn't even that interesting. It's a world spawned by a few exaggerated cliches. North and south start fighting? Over what? Slaves? Japan and China enemies? Whoa how novel. Africa enveloped in civil war? But Europe is controlled by government? Incredible. It'd be more novel to make Africa the strongest united nation in the world, plunge Europe and America into poverty and civil war, then have China and Japan on the move to take over these disputed territories.
And Jack Templar? Might as well call him Buff McWarriorpants. Give him an ordinary name. In order to draw reader immersion and interest, in-fact, it would be best if you made this Jack some deadbeat nobody. One day he's enjoying his life somewhere in the word when it's suddenly usurped from him. He has to learn to survive in a hostile changing world. There, that's a basic idea for a story, one which is well suited for CHOYA. Thanks for enduring my critical comments.--[[User:Anubite|Anubite]] 11:29, 28 November 2008 (PST)
Jeffthedork: I've been thinking about a story were: 3 teens are dared to spend the night in a haunted house and they get attacked by gousts and they find secret rooms and stuff like that.
---Good idea. What name and what rating?
---Jeffthdork: Rating = R.  Name = Fright.
Jeffthedork: I've go another idea: A haunted prison kills it's convicts and it's guards.  You would be a guard and have to try to live.  The prison would be able to turn on machines by its self and make unreal stuff happen like the back wall of a cell push the inmate in the cell against the cell door, slicing him into many pieces.
NovelOfDoom: Is this page public?I hope so,cause I'm not sure xD.I had an idea for a story that I couldn't finish.Your a average guy who has a wife and 2 kids.Then all of a sudden this dude calls,saying he has a expert sniper who has a lock on your family,and you gotta go through a bunch of obstacles(involving fighting numerous enimies) assigned by the guy,or else he'll order the sniper to take out your kids and wife.Sorry that was so long :P
Yes, this page is public.  And that's not too long for an idea pitch. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 16:17, 24 August 2008 (PDT)
Jack Frost: That is a really good story idea. (how come I never think of these great story ideas?) Would you mind if I write that story? It sounds excellent. Its just the thing I need.
TheEverLastingTale:Are you talking to me?LOL I'm NovelOfDoom,but sadly,I completely forgot my password,so I ended up making another account,LOL.Jack Frost,I likey that name :D.If you were talking about me,I would be honored if you write that story :D(I'm just guessing that you've been on this site for a long while,LMAO.)
monkey76: how about a story where the laws of physics (or reason) don't apply, so the most sensable choice might not work eg: if you ask boss for a raise he explodes and if you kick him he'll give you the ocarina of time.
or is that a bad idea?
Jack Frost: If somebody ever writes that, I hope they put it in the "Nobody Should Read These" section. But, that does sound like it would be a good story. That also seems like a great idea for a story.
Trar: I need help writing my story, [[Would_You%2C_Could_You%2C_Fuck_A_Goat%3F!|Would You, Could You, Fuck A Goat?!]]. Every page has to have an option at the bottom of it leading to[[Die]], ALWAYS, no matter what. Also, the player will NEVER actually fuck a goat. That would be bad.
TheNeverEndingTale:This is getting annoying ><.I keep forgetting my password,so I ended up making yet ANOTHER account(I'm NovelOfDoom and TheEverLastingTale.) I have another idea.You live in (whatever country you want) where the President is reall corrupt,so you take it upon yourself to take him out.
TGLS:You are Joe Jones an unimportant Sales Representative on a Dystopian Earth in 2230 but times are changing.
The Nations are as follows:
� Allied States of America: The remaining states have allied each other together in order to weather the attacks of revolutionaries.
� Confederate States of America: After the economic collapse of 2184 in order maintain the industrial base of the former confederate states they readopted slavery and war was declared by the Allied States of America.
� Microsoft Computer Corporation: One of the only Non-Asian Corporations left Microsoft Computer Corporation declared Sovereignty in 2185 and negotiated a treaty with the Confederate States of America.
� The Obsessive Cult: The Obsessive Cult declared Sovereignty in 2084 at the same time as the 2834 nuclear reactor incident, and has put a xenophobic position of all the citizens.
� The European Union: The European Union has been put in instability because of pressure of the Soviet Union & the Ottoman Empire.
� The Soviet Union: Russia reinstated communism on the factors of the economic collapse, communist party�s pressure, newly assimilated china, and the American Civil War.
â�¢ The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire was formed when the Turkish Ousted the American garrisons from major middle east oil resources in  2175 and later joined an alliance with the Soviet Union
� Africa: Africa was leading the world in stability, technology, and economy but after the 2834 nuclear reactor incident it was completely crippled though there may be some survivors.
� Others: Japan, South America, Australia
Early Plot Threads
Early Plot Threads could be:
� Trying to move up in your career
� Further Education
� Emigration
And later plot lines would be developed over time.
*''Redage1'': Hey all! Just wanted to say, The Life of a School Kid is online! It's public, but if you write a really dumb choice, I'll delete it. Also, if you write a section, please include (This section write by ---)And don't delete anyone else's work! thanks! (Link to the story)
Reecer6: I have an idea. You are a kid named David who wakes up in a haunted mansion and must get out. it'll be slightly RPGish, as you'll gain Health, XP, ect. while facing creatures from spiders to Ginormous Screamer faces. He'll also have a fear meter. You'll want to keep it low to beat enemies easier, but keep it high to destroy cracked walls ect. There'll be 2 passages in most every room.
[[Category: System Pages]]
Reporko: i have two ideas....
one is where you are kicked out of your home by your girlfriend and are really depressed. you walk into an alley and discover you have secret powers.
The other one is where its like in post future like 2011 or 2015 or something and like the world is collapsing and people are surviving when the apocalypse and after. Tell me what you think.
:A little cliche, but maybe because you're just brushing the top of some even better ideas.  Dig deeper! :)  -[[User:NightChime|NightChime]] 14:38, 19 October 2009 (PDT)
==Olympian Quest==
Does anyone agree to this: This is about a quest that takes you to Mount Olympus and find a stolen trident that the greek god, Hades hid.--[[User:Greenlande23|Greenlande23]] 15:24, 4 June 2009 (PDT)
I see no reason to object to someone writing such a story. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 16:01, 4 June 2009 (PDT)
Seems like a good idea, in fact i think you should let it fly! --[[User:Megadeth1|Megadeth1]] 17:34 23 june 2009 (PDT)
==Fixing the red ring of death==
I had an idea to make a funny adventure of your x-box 360 geting the red ring of death, and you try to fix it. I just need to see if people think its a good idea.
Ring of Death eh? The old Ring of Death... well, I guess it wouldn't be really funny if you make it like, 'you restart your Xbox360. YOU WIN!' That would be lame. To me, a good story based on real life always has a kick-butt fighting scene, a huge plot twist, an evil wizard, Russia and it's 11 time zones, Shaka Zulu, and a Jamaican guy. So, if you include all of those, then yes, it would be an EPIC story, like mines. Play it here--> [[An Epic Adventure]] --[[Forsak3n1]] 16:33 August 6, 2009
==Castle II==
This is a scenario that I have done verbally, and want to put on here. It is a puzzle/rpg/type thing, with a plot and many different options. You explore a castle, trying to find the person who cursed your hometown. You encounter many dangers, monsters, conflicts, and other action-like things. Is this a good idea?
~[[User:Ebony949|Ebony949]] 14:32, 2 August 2009
It sounds like something with potential. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 08:11, 2 August 2009 (PDT)
I'm new, so sorry if I edited this wrong. I'm just copying how other people are editing this. Basically my idea for the story is you start off normally. You're a man, kids, wife etc etc. Then out of NOWHERE, some guy tries to kill you! So you head off on a quest to try and find out who and why they tried to kill you. For fun, I will also put in some hidden random stuff in the story. Slipping in a internet meme, or a video game quote. The unique parts of the story(hence the title) will be the BADASS moments. Where the character will start off a combo(for lack of a better word), and you choose how to continue it. Some will advance the combo, and some will leave you flat on your face. I will try my hardest to put as much pages and effort into this story before summer vacation ends. Good idea?
~[[User:CheeseToast|CheeseToast]] 6:58PM, August 12th 2009 (GMT)
==Comics Unrated==
Much like the Star Wars and Star Trek, adventures, you choose characters and have sex, fight, kill, curse, etc. Basically way to express the comic heroes as if they were more like people and not heroes. There would be a set story for each hero. I even thought at the beginning you must choose DC or Marvel, and then it starts. I think a lot of people would like this.
~[[User:Carmenlover|Carmenlover]] 3:17 AM, August 15, 2009 (PST)
==Battle royal xtreme==
I'm also new so sorry if i edited wrong.
My idea is that there is a big battle royal, but instead of weapons, there are powers like wind, water, fire, earth and lightning. If someone dies they are respawened into a waiting room until the fight is over, but you lose and the story ends.
You can chose your power at the start. So please if someone could make this as i'd probably suck, CHEERS!
:If you get game over, why can't you just be dead then?  Makes it a little more important that you win.  If the point of it is so you're fighting the same people over and over, that might get a little boring.  Maybe the people running the royale have a ton of extra people locked up as backup, and just replace the dead ones so the fight goes on after every round.  You could slip in some character development, maybe it's like a tournament, so there can be other people fighting that you meet that you don't immediately have to kill.  Or maybe it's not a tournament at all, just entertainment for a twisted society.  Gladiator, but with magic instead of swords.  -[[User:NightChime|NightChime]] 14:38, 19 October 2009 (PDT)
==Digimon Adventure?==
Honestly, I've seen a few Pokemon related adventures but none of them, ironically, are 'Digimon'-related adventures when there's a big freaking series called "Digimon Adventure". lmao Sorry, I just have to point that out. And, I pointed that out because I have an idea for one. It has quite a long plot, so I am just going to try and summarize it down here.
Similar to DC Comics' Earth Prime, this is what our Earth is like in my story, with the Digital Worlds you see in the anime being real planetary systems in parallel dimensions. The origins of those systems are naturally related to computers (again), with the creator of the first ever Digital World, called "D-World Neo", being specifically the ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) and its shaper (having to build upon the foundations created by the ABC) being the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). That first D-World is the one you see in the Digimon X-Evolution movie. Four other 'D-Worlds' were both created ''and'' shaped by more advanced Personal Computers. They were then called Alpha (Tamers' Digital World), Beta (Frontier), Gamma (Adventure), and Delta (Savers). Now here comes the plot. (There's a plot?!) Yes, even among all these documentary-style aspects, there ''is'' a plot.
Some of you might know about Millenniummon from the video game called ''Brave Tamer''. He... or I guess it's 'it' (since there are no genders among Digimon) controls time and space. He then turned into an alternate 'Ultimate Form' (do know that I'm using original Japanese-translated terms here instead of the dub terms) of his called Zeed Millenniummon. He was stopped by a kid named Akiyama Ryo, fused into one with a Digimon called Monodramon and turned into a single Digi Egg. Now, having done that, Zeed's data naturally is inside Monodramon, and though that allows him to evolve into his 'Complete Form' called Cyberdramon, that data also makes him very violent.
After some years of control, Cyberdramon finally caves in to the influence and there's nothing that its partner, Ryo, can do about it. Cyberdramon runs away, seeking to return to his 'Deus Ex' Zeed Millenniummon body, seek revenge upon Ryo and, of course, bring chaos to the Worlds. But, to do that, it needs an energy source to evolve into the 'Ultimate Form', and a deceitful Demon Lord Digimon claims that it just happens to have that energy. Barbamon offers Zeed a deal that Zeed will have to serve Barbamon for an eternity should Barbamon successfully return Zeed to its true form. An eternity is nothing to someone who controls time, so Zeed agrees. Boom. Zeed evolves from Cyberdramon to Zeed again, but Barbamon backstabs him by bounding Zeed as its very own mind-slave.
To restrain Zeed's omnipotent powers, it has these fractal-code chains wrapped around its body, of which the lower-half is trapped in a crystal. To remove both of these, Barbamon needs Zeed to absorb the souls of 'pure children' and their 'pure Digimon' partners. So, it summons you and a few other kids to Digital World Gamma (which was depicted in ''Digimon Adventure'' in our world) and it begins your 'training' into pure souls. Sounds cheesy, but there is a whole lot more to it after Zeed's chains are removed.
What do you think?
--[[User:OminousFlare|OminousFlare]] 23:55, 23 September 2009 (PDT)
==Friday Night==
This story is about you and a group of friends deciding that Fridays are now the day that you all smoke pot and just see what happens.
The first Friday of this new tradition and:
1.Tugboat (Greg Tubot) is caught by the police driving without a license. You and your friends are desperately trying to hide your pot while the police are getting the tow truck to tow Tugboat's car. In a last attempt, you all run to the car and take back roads which can either save you or kill you in the end.
2. After being late, you realize that your friends started smoking without you. While inside, you begin to watch movies and listen to music. After a few hours, you hear moans outside. Thinking it's Randy (whom disappeared for the last 2 hours) you laugh it off and pretend to be scared. Once Zack decides to look outside he shouts "look at these fucks trying to scare us", as he points and laughs at the zombies heading your way. You, not even getting your first inhale of smoke yet, realize that it isn't a prank by Randy and in fact, it is the Zombie Apocalypse. After a brief flashback, you remember that you and your friends have read the "Zombie Survival Guide". Once you remember this, you thank god you were in Ed's house for he has gotten prepared for this. (most up to this point is one set of possible events and it will be continued).
3. You try to break a record and smoke your own weight in Marijuana. After you and your friends pool money for that massive amount of pot, you begin to smoke it. After a hour, you pass out and can vaguely remember what happened. All you see is a blonde nurse and a redhead doctor. The blonde has a decent size of tits where the redhead has a pair of huge tits. (from here on out you fuck your way out of the hospital).
You are faced with all sorts of traps, hazards, all sorts of dangerous situations, but since you are MacGyver, you can handle pretty much anything.  Could have branches for both the silly, building a bomb out of pocket lint and his own eyelashes MacGyver, and the serious, real human being who's just highly trained, intelligent, and resourceful MacGyver.  There could be a plot involving terrorists or some other disgustingly American story that needs a capable hero, to honor the original series.  Would work well in super-short, individual situations you need to get out of, short stories, like the length of an episode, all the way up to an epic novel length story with plots, conspiracies, and probably Russians.  And of course being a CYOA, you chould... choose which you want at the start.  -[[User:NightChime|NightChime]] 14:52, 19 October 2009 (PDT)
You are a masochist in the extreme.  Not only do you take great pleasure in pain, but even ''more'' pleasure in screwing up your own life as badly as possible.  But you're not stupid; if you commit suicide, then you wouldn't be alive to experience your torment, and that's no fun.  Basically, you start off "in shoes," that, if worn by any remotely normal person, would warrant them exceeding amounts of happiness (and thus you sadness).  And the entire world seems to be conspiring to keep it that way.  What would be a "happy ending" in other CYOAs is this CYOA's Dead End.  While not intended to use the primary meaning of the word masochist, and thus not necessarily be an Adult story, that certainly doesn't mean it can't be one.  -[[User:NightChime|NightChime]] 01:16, 20 October 2009 (PDT)
-It sounds like one of those ideas that has some extremely depressing deeper meaning in it. I have an idea, by the way. Maybe you should have an organ/body part counter, and less body parts=less fun (after all, the pain of having a limb ripped off only happens once). --[[User:Holygiant|Holygiant]] 18:48, 7 November 2009 (PST)
==Dead frontier==
you r this survivor from a zombie outbreak in the year 2016 and u have to survive
Please, no.  Zombies have been (ahem) done to death here.  We really, really don't need another zombie story. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 23:34, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
Also, please learn basic spelling before returning. It will be better for all of us. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 17:35, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Current revision as of 03:43, 24 February 2019

This is a page full of IDEAS for choose your own adventures that haven't been authored yet. Sometimes, you have a great idea, but you just can't finish its story, right? Post the idea or unfinished piece here and have it changed.


FYI: Archives -- This talk page is getting a bit water logged, so I transferred all conversation that took place before 2019 into an archive page. That way things remain somewhat organized now. When things get even more crowded, I or Platypus will transfer whatever is posted here over the next year or two into another archive page. --Durzan 08:10, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

Subject 1

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