Masochist me/Sex training/Striptease

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From there, of course the teacher had us all join our partners. Chairs were set up, and each woman had to give her partner a show. We were again reminded to have fun with it, but to remember to think about how it made us feel, what we did, why we did it. The guys were also told to observe, to think about each step, the methods behind it. The guys were also instructed to keep their hands to themselves unless the woman put them on her.
From there, of course the teacher had us all join our partners. Chairs were set up, and each woman had to give her partner a show. We were again reminded to have fun with it, but to remember to think about how it made us feel, what we did, why we did it. The guys were also told to observe, to think about each step, the methods behind it. The guys were also instructed to keep their hands to themselves unless the woman put them on her.
My...performance...was less sexy, and more of a train wreck. I had never been a very coordinated person, and trying to remember all the ways to be 'sexy' during a dance just created an awkward effect.
It did not help when the teacher, my partner, started laughing. <!--Maybe I will actually make an entry at some point of Masochist me's 'dance', but leaving it out for now.-->
Once the women had finished, the teacher thanked the guest.
"Now, we have someone else who will help us with the other side. No worries men, you get to strip for your partners too." With that, he opened the door and let in his other guest.
My jaw dropped. The male, I guess male stripper, was gorgeous. His face was simply gorgeous, with a head of hair that it would be easy to to run your fingers through. He was tight, not overly muscled, but well defined. I doubt I was the only woman in the class who suddenly wondered if she was drooling. Even his eyes were dreamy.
Then, he started speaking, a deep voice that made my toes curl. If anyone could make me orgasm without hurting me, it had to have been this guy. In fact, he was almost painfully attractive.
"Hello. Today, I will teach you how to perform a strip tease for your wife or girlfriend."
"I would let him spank me all day long," I said under my breath. The woman next to me gave me a surprised look, and I realized I had said it a little too loud. After a moment, she smiled and nodded to me. At least I was not alone in my lusty thoughts about the guy.
"Most people never think about the fact that a sexy dance from the male in the relationship can be just as invigorating as a sexy dance from the woman. However, if done right, she will be putty in your hand. Here, let me demonstrate."
Much like the woman before him, he turned down the lights. "Now, women are more complex creatures. Men, well, we have the baser instinct, so a woman stripping won't matter so much." I was not the only one who laughed a bit at that, considering we just saw the female version, and tried it ourselves, to find not all of us were good at being a sexy dancer. "However, for a woman, we need to get more involved. First, the music selection. This is where it is good to know your partner's tastes and preferences. Find something upbeat that both of you will enjoy. Since this is my show, you will need to go along with my music, but when you are getting sexy for your lover, it helps to have that common connection. Now, I need a volunteer." At that, every single woman's hand went up, and even a couple of the not so single women, with their partners sitting next to them.
Surprisingly, he chose me. Maybe just because I was closest to the front. I didn't know. I could feel my pulse racing as I stood up, then sat down on the offered chair.
"First thing to remember, not every guy is a Chippendales dancer. You need to keep it lighter, not try to go all out on the sexy side. It is also something you want to try with someone you already have some history with. Now, make sure your stage is set. You do not want to end by tripping over a table, or breaking your leg on a toy."
Once he was sure his area was clear in front of me, he went on. "Next, you will not be stripping completely naked. You need to leave something on for her to take care of. You can try using a costume if you want, or stick with simple. Women love spontaneity, so for example, if you wear a business suit normally, then just wait to take it off if the mood is right. Or if you went to a formal event, give her a little show later that night as both of you get comfortable. Don't get me wrong, most women will enjoy a fireman, or a police officer. But again, she would prefer you to be spontaneous. Also, one thing that is a must. Do not wear your tighty whiteys. Do not use a banana hammock. It is just not that sexy. Go with boxers for that special dance. Something that covers the package, but lets her see the bulge."
He wanted for us to respond, then continued. "Next, do not go overboard. Keep it simple. Your woman does not expect you to be a male model, well, unless you are. She expects you to be you. Trying too hard to be something your not will end with her laughing at you. If you are trying to make her laugh, then you can exaggerate. But do not try it to be 'sexy'. If you make her start laughing at you, and that is not the intention, then it can end badly."
He held the guys attention to make sure they understood before moving on. "Next, you can get some practice in before you decide to spice it up for her. Watch yourself in the mirror, practice, see what you are doing with your body. Think about things like 'How will I take off this shirt?' and 'How can I undo this belt without being awkward?'. If you have time home alone, and are preparing yourself to give her a sexy little dance, figure out where you will sit her, what you will do, how you will move. Don't confuse spontaneity with a lack of forethought. Again, you do not want to get yourself tangled in your pants and fall flat on your face."
Pause, then he continued. "So, we set the mood. Now, I do not have any red lights or candles here with me, but these are good to create the right lighting. Make sure you are both in a good mood before you begin. Then, you sit her down, and fire up the music."
He put in a CD and pushed play.
<blockquote>Baby take off your coat<br>
Real slow<br>
And take off your shoes<br>
I'll take off your shoes<br>
Baby take off your dress<br>
Yes yes yes</blockquote>
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Now before you start throwing your clothes all over the place, you have to ensure that the setting is agreeable. Lighting is very important and I recommend using either red lights (they scream sex; remember Roxanne?), or candlelight.
Now before you start throwing your clothes all over the place, you have to ensure that the setting is agreeable. Lighting is very important and I recommend using either red lights (they scream sex; remember Roxanne?), or candlelight.
Make sure you have maneuverability — the last thing you want is to slam into a table and have to be rushed to emergency. You'll both laugh about it one day, but it won't be funny at the time.
As well, you should both be in a good mood. Put her in a spot where you can approach her after you're done with your fancy footwork. And above all else, don't behave like you're Fabio unless you're kidding around — the last thing you want is to have her laughing at you.
As well, you should both be in a good mood. Put her in a spot where you can approach her after you're done with your fancy footwork. And above all else, don't behave like you're Fabio unless you're kidding around — the last thing you want is to have her laughing at you.
Obviously, you won't be removing your clothes for a woman you've only known two days and a night. This is an experience you want to share with a woman you've already shared laughter and good times with.
There are certain unwritten rules (that will be written shortly) you must adhere to when you decide that you want to take it off for your woman. Keep all of the following in mind when you're about to surprise her with your antics.
Don't get totally naked
Always leave something to the imagination. Don't rip off all your clothes in one violent thrust and jump her. Take your time and always leave one item on — you have to give her something to do after all. The item that should be left on is your underwear.
No leopard print thong
Chances are that most guys don't have the body of an Adonis, and even if you did, I still wouldn't recommend wearing bikini or thong underwear. Most women aren't big fans. Your best bet would be boxer briefs. She can see the bulge, but it's wrapped in an attractive package.
Costumes are acceptable
My woman loved it when we came home from a formal party one night and I began stripping away my tuxedo. Using costumes such as a fireman's garb is acceptable, but spontaneity is preferred.
Practice, laugh, and learn how to take your clothes off the right way...
Practice beforehand
Stake out the location and what you would do. That's right — come on, you stare at yourself in the mirror anyway, why not take off your clothes while you do it? Watch the way you move around, and discover how easy or difficult it would be to take off each item of clothing.
Laugh at yourself
Laugh at yourself
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So what music should you be taking it all off to? That's really a matter of opinion and taste. If you are just down to have fun and laugh throughout the entire thing, then the clich strip song "You Can Leave Your Hat On" by Joe Cocker will work wonders.
So what music should you be taking it all off to? That's really a matter of opinion and taste. If you are just down to have fun and laugh throughout the entire thing, then the clich strip song "You Can Leave Your Hat On" by Joe Cocker will work wonders.
But if you want to do a little dance with a twist of eroticism, then choose the music that both of you enjoy whether it be R&B or trance. The point is that you need to get into the groove and it wouldn't hurt if she also enjoyed your selection.
So until next time, have fun with your woman and show her how it's really done. Who knows, this may just encourage her to give you a little performance of her own.</blockquote>
So until next time, have fun with your woman and show her how it's really done. Who knows, this may just encourage her to give you a little performance of her own.</blockquote>

Revision as of 03:26, 10 April 2017

The next class, we moved on to striptease, and taking touch beyond petting.

"Now, one way to help initiate sexual energy is a striptease. For this, I have brought in a professional."

The woman who came in was definitely professional. I felt a mixture of both attraction and jealousy. It wasn't like some strip show. She showed the various ways to strip.

"Hello everyone," she says, her voice a playful, yet husky growl. "For doing a sexy little striptease for your partner, remember that you are not a professional. Please ignore the movies, or the women at strip clubs. You need to find what works for you. First, you will need to make sure your clothes are right for the occasion. It is best that you dress in layers, but that you are comfortable. More layers makes it so you have more to take off. This makes the process take longer, and leaves more for him to imagine longer than if you take everything off in a few seconds."

She went through each item that she wore. A pair of stiletto boots, ankle socks, and black tights. A black miniskirt with a pair of white panties. A button up top with a strap top underneath, a white bra to match her panties. A hair tie holding her hair back in a pony tail.

"So, I can start with the pony tail, let my hair down, both figuratively and literally. Then, move on to the different elements, each time exposing more. Taking off my top will show more cleavage. Taking off my skirt will show the tights molding to me. Or, I could slip off the tights, and leave my legs bare. See, you can already see some of the men in class getting excited, just seeing bits of me as I show off each layer." She winked at one of the guys, and all attention went to him. Suddenly, he was the one blushing.

"So, would you like to be my helper," she asked? There was such a quality to her voice, something that entranced and seduced. Even the women were captivated by the way her voice caressed each word she said. The guy nodded, and she pulled out a chair and set it in front of her. "Okay, sit here, and we can start," she practically ordered him, although the way it came out, it was hard to tell if it was an order...or invitation.

She continued as he came up and sat down. "So, each article of clothes is chosen for the final intention. Not always an option, if you want to give a show, but still wish to give your man a little treat. But if it is something you plan for him, then make sure you think about the effect of each. Notice, right now, I am actually exposing very little, although hinting at a lot. The button up shirt, while maybe not what you might think of in terms of sexy, is a good choice because you can tease each button. The strap top," she undid the buttons so the class could see it clearer than when she first showed, "will help show off the cleavage once the button up top is off, and allow him to see the shoulders, upper chest, and back. The tights will show your curves, including your ass, while not showing any skin. The short skirt gives him hints what is under it. So, if you take off the skirt first, it will show those upper curves. The hips, the ass, the crotch. Many guys like the look, but they also like to see a woman in just the shirt itself, where they have a full view of the legs. You could even go for taking the panties off before taking the skirt off. Many guys like the idea of a girl in a skirt with no panties. While taking either off, you can flash tantalizing bits of you, and once the button up is gone, you can bend in front of him, giving him a peek down your top. There are many guys who will get hornier seeing these teasing bits than they will seeing you go from fully clothed to naked in a flash. Not that this needs to be your striptease otufit, just that you need to think about what order you will take it off, what he will see, and how it will show each stage. Each guy is different, so what he will prefer will vary. Some guys would rather I end up topless before bottomless. Others would prefer I end up bottomless before topless. Some like the certain things left on, others want me to be completely naked by the end. And again, remember, just relax, have fun with it. Don't get caught up on your self conscious viewpoints. Don't worry about what your stomach looks like, or your thighs, or your breasts, or your ass, or, well, anything. Don't try to be Demi Moore. Just enjoy it, and if he loves you, he will enjoy it anyways."

With that, she went and turned off the lights. The light from the windows still made the classroom bright, but not nearly as much. "So, next, setting your stage. So, have him sit down. Like my volunteer here." With that, she ran her fingers through his hair. She definitely had his attention, and everyone else's. "Push him down in the chair you set up, or ask him to sit, or tell him. It doesn't matter. You want to stand away from him. Then, he can see everything, but he is not able to reach you. If he tries, then stop him. It is a better experience." With that, she turned away, looked over her shoulder, and whispered, in a whisper that could be heard by all, a breathless, growling voice, "I have a little something for you."

She went to the teacher's desk, hit play on the CD player on it.

Come Here baby
You know you drive me up a wall the way you make good on all the
nasty tricks you pull
Seems like we're makin' up more than we're makin' love
And it always seems you got somn' on your mind other than me
Girl, you got to change your crazy ways
You hear me

"Pick a song that matches the pace you want to keep. Not too slow, but not too fast either. Also remember, your mood is important too. It helps if you pick a song that makes you feel a bit...wild." Now she stood next to him, as she prepared.

With that, she started moving to the music. She slowly walked away from him, swinging her hips, making the skirt sway, even with how short it was. She placed one foot directly in front of the other, and dragged each foot along. She then turned, pulling out the hair tie as she did, causing her hair to flip around. She again slowly walked towards him, each step painfully dragged out, like she was in a movie slow motion. Her fingertips gently traced down her body starting at the insides of her breasts, tracing along the bottom, then down her sides. Only her fingertips touched, and drew attention to each part. Her breasts, her waist, her hips, as she swayed while walking towards him.

Each step, she kept her eyes locked on his. Soon, she stood in front of him, and leaned over the chair. Eyes locked together, she undid a button, then gave a teasing lift to the bottom of the shirt. Hands back up, and second button off. Four left to go. She caressed his chin, pulling his eyes back to hers, then winked and undid another button.

She stepped away a few steps, then found a wall nearby, rolling her ass the entire way. Everyone's eyes watched, hypnotized. Some blushing, obviously not completely comfortable with the effect, while others were very comfortable with the effect. Even I could feel myself getting a and bothered, and I was not that attracted to other women. Sure, I had been with other women, but it was just not the same. As she pressed herself against the wall, breasts mashed up against it, she did...something, and the shirt was completely unbuttoned. She spun around, slow, like all of her movements to this point, and threw it down, and then ignored it, as she ran her fingers over her collar bone, across the front of her chest. Somehow, she even managed to pinch her breasts together, popping out her cleavage. It was hard to completely grasp how she did it without her hands though, and without making it look like she was trying to shove her breasts forward. The way she crossed her arms together, then unpopped her cleavage as she ran her fingers across her stomach, lifting the strap top to expose her belly as she did.

Arching her back, she lifted her arms above her head, then slid down the wall. Popped back up, then slid down again. This time, she rolled forward, crawling towards him on hands and knees. Her top left a clear shot right down the shirt, exposing her bra to everyone. As she crawled, she caught the heel of one boot, pushing it off, then caught the other. Shoes off, she stopped before she got to him, laying down on her stomach. She pushed herself up with her hands and arms, back arched, then moved to a kneeling position. From there, she reached under her skirt, grabbed the tights band, and pulled. As is cleared her ass, she slid onto it, sitting, then pulled it down, keeping her legs together. Once it was below her knees, she lay down, on her back, the skirt lifting, clearly showing her white panties. She pulled the tights down the rest of the way, then off, over her feet. She looked at him, gave a coy, shy look, and closed her legs. She rolled back over, onto her hands and knees, and crawled towards him. As she reached him, she put her tights on his head, over his face. As he moved them away from his face, so the legs fell down the sides of his head, she moved her face right to his, kissing him on the lips, bringing his hand to the bottom of her shirt, motioning him to grab and lift. He did, as she knelt in front of him, arms above her head. We watched as he copped a feel of her breasts. She playfully batted his hands away as he slid it over her head. With that, she walked back over, rolling hips and ass showing just how short the skirt was, before pulling another chair in front of him, and sitting sideways on it.

She ran her hands over her legs, then, when the beat she was waiting for hit, she slid one bra strap off her shoulder. She slipped the other off, then turned in the chair, letting him watch as he undid the bra clasp. Turning profile, back to the chair, she slid the bra off, covering her left nipple so he could see the breast, but not the nipple.

She threw her bra at him, one handed, before turning in the chair. Dropping her hands, she showed her breasts to him and the class. Then, she spread her legs, and rubbed her pussy through her panties. Only a couple strokes, before standing up and slipping them off, her legs barely parted, showing nothing as she slid them down until they rested around her ankles. Stepping out of them, she walked towards him, rubbing her breasts slightly, teasing her nipples playfully. She straddled him in the chair, breasts right in front of his face, before sitting down on his lap. Bringing his hands to her stomach, she undid the side clasp, then took off the skirt.

She gave him a quick kiss, looked deep into his eyes, then stood up, walking away and gathering her clothes. She did this in a quick, hurried movements, no longer swaying and pointing out parts of her body. She stood in front of the class, completely naked, yet unconcerned, and started talking as she slipped on each article of clothing.

"The hint is to be slow, seductive. This isn't a race to the finish, but a way to build the tension. Show yourself off. Highlight the aspects your lover likes about you. Make sure he gets different views, from different angles." She reached over, patted his bulging pants. "See, you get positive reactions. You may go back to your seat," she told her volunteer with a wink. "Everyone give him a hand." We clapped for him, but I couldn't understand why. All he did was sat there and get a stripshow.

"Now, you do not need to do everything I did. I went down the list. If you try to do 'everything', you will get flustered and annoyed. The important aspect is just to have fun, be yourself, and let your hair down. Remember, you are trying to accomplish two things: Make yourself feel better, sexier, more desirable, and trying to make your lover happy. If done right, both of you will enjoy it."

From there, of course the teacher had us all join our partners. Chairs were set up, and each woman had to give her partner a show. We were again reminded to have fun with it, but to remember to think about how it made us feel, what we did, why we did it. The guys were also told to observe, to think about each step, the methods behind it. The guys were also instructed to keep their hands to themselves unless the woman put them on her.

My...performance...was less sexy, and more of a train wreck. I had never been a very coordinated person, and trying to remember all the ways to be 'sexy' during a dance just created an awkward effect.

It did not help when the teacher, my partner, started laughing.

Once the women had finished, the teacher thanked the guest.

"Now, we have someone else who will help us with the other side. No worries men, you get to strip for your partners too." With that, he opened the door and let in his other guest.

My jaw dropped. The male, I guess male stripper, was gorgeous. His face was simply gorgeous, with a head of hair that it would be easy to to run your fingers through. He was tight, not overly muscled, but well defined. I doubt I was the only woman in the class who suddenly wondered if she was drooling. Even his eyes were dreamy.

Then, he started speaking, a deep voice that made my toes curl. If anyone could make me orgasm without hurting me, it had to have been this guy. In fact, he was almost painfully attractive.

"Hello. Today, I will teach you how to perform a strip tease for your wife or girlfriend."

"I would let him spank me all day long," I said under my breath. The woman next to me gave me a surprised look, and I realized I had said it a little too loud. After a moment, she smiled and nodded to me. At least I was not alone in my lusty thoughts about the guy.

"Most people never think about the fact that a sexy dance from the male in the relationship can be just as invigorating as a sexy dance from the woman. However, if done right, she will be putty in your hand. Here, let me demonstrate."

Much like the woman before him, he turned down the lights. "Now, women are more complex creatures. Men, well, we have the baser instinct, so a woman stripping won't matter so much." I was not the only one who laughed a bit at that, considering we just saw the female version, and tried it ourselves, to find not all of us were good at being a sexy dancer. "However, for a woman, we need to get more involved. First, the music selection. This is where it is good to know your partner's tastes and preferences. Find something upbeat that both of you will enjoy. Since this is my show, you will need to go along with my music, but when you are getting sexy for your lover, it helps to have that common connection. Now, I need a volunteer." At that, every single woman's hand went up, and even a couple of the not so single women, with their partners sitting next to them.

Surprisingly, he chose me. Maybe just because I was closest to the front. I didn't know. I could feel my pulse racing as I stood up, then sat down on the offered chair.

"First thing to remember, not every guy is a Chippendales dancer. You need to keep it lighter, not try to go all out on the sexy side. It is also something you want to try with someone you already have some history with. Now, make sure your stage is set. You do not want to end by tripping over a table, or breaking your leg on a toy."

Once he was sure his area was clear in front of me, he went on. "Next, you will not be stripping completely naked. You need to leave something on for her to take care of. You can try using a costume if you want, or stick with simple. Women love spontaneity, so for example, if you wear a business suit normally, then just wait to take it off if the mood is right. Or if you went to a formal event, give her a little show later that night as both of you get comfortable. Don't get me wrong, most women will enjoy a fireman, or a police officer. But again, she would prefer you to be spontaneous. Also, one thing that is a must. Do not wear your tighty whiteys. Do not use a banana hammock. It is just not that sexy. Go with boxers for that special dance. Something that covers the package, but lets her see the bulge."

He wanted for us to respond, then continued. "Next, do not go overboard. Keep it simple. Your woman does not expect you to be a male model, well, unless you are. She expects you to be you. Trying too hard to be something your not will end with her laughing at you. If you are trying to make her laugh, then you can exaggerate. But do not try it to be 'sexy'. If you make her start laughing at you, and that is not the intention, then it can end badly."

He held the guys attention to make sure they understood before moving on. "Next, you can get some practice in before you decide to spice it up for her. Watch yourself in the mirror, practice, see what you are doing with your body. Think about things like 'How will I take off this shirt?' and 'How can I undo this belt without being awkward?'. If you have time home alone, and are preparing yourself to give her a sexy little dance, figure out where you will sit her, what you will do, how you will move. Don't confuse spontaneity with a lack of forethought. Again, you do not want to get yourself tangled in your pants and fall flat on your face."

Pause, then he continued. "So, we set the mood. Now, I do not have any red lights or candles here with me, but these are good to create the right lighting. Make sure you are both in a good mood before you begin. Then, you sit her down, and fire up the music."

He put in a CD and pushed play.

Baby take off your coat
Real slow
And take off your shoes
I'll take off your shoes
Baby take off your dress
Yes yes yes

Removing your clothing one piece at a time while swaying your hips to the music in the background might sound like a recipe for roaring laughter, but it can be fun and erotic if you give it a chance and do it right.

Granted, most guys aren't Chippendales strippers, nor are they well practiced in the fine art of pelvic thrusting (at least not on dance floors), but nevertheless, you can keep this experience light and interesting. Not to mention, she may just love what she's seeing.

set the stripper tone

Now before you start throwing your clothes all over the place, you have to ensure that the setting is agreeable. Lighting is very important and I recommend using either red lights (they scream sex; remember Roxanne?), or candlelight.

As well, you should both be in a good mood. Put her in a spot where you can approach her after you're done with your fancy footwork. And above all else, don't behave like you're Fabio unless you're kidding around — the last thing you want is to have her laughing at you.

Laugh at yourself

Most men aren't famous for stripping; so don't take the moment seriously. It's okay to smile and laugh every now and then. That way, she'll feel more comfortable and of course, that'll make you feel even more comfortable in your own skin literally.

Kiss and tease her

Approach her every now and again while you're undressing and kiss her mouth and body. Get close enough to her so that she could touch you, but back away when she reaches out for you.

Bring her up to dance with you

When you're virtually naked, lift her up and hold her close to you as you strut your stuff together. This way, you can seduce her further before you take charge and get down to pleasure.

order of operation

The experience can be funny but the last thing you want to do is look funny when you're done doing your dancing deed. So don't end up wearing nothing but your sports socks.

Before you even start removing your clothes, however, keep in mind that if you know how to dance, then by all means, bust a move. But if you don't, simply sway your hips from side to side, and turn around to give her a different view every now and then.

Now here's the order in which you should remove your clothes:

1- Take off your socks.
2- Remove your tie and toss it at her.
3- Undo the cuffs of your shirt.
4- Unbutton your shirt but do not remove it yet.
5- Remove your belt and unbutton your pants.
6- Let your pants fall to the ground and step out of them.
7- Remove your shirt.
8- Move slowly toward her and let her take off your boxer briefs.

play that funky music

So what music should you be taking it all off to? That's really a matter of opinion and taste. If you are just down to have fun and laugh throughout the entire thing, then the clich strip song "You Can Leave Your Hat On" by Joe Cocker will work wonders.

So until next time, have fun with your woman and show her how it's really done. Who knows, this may just encourage her to give you a little performance of her own.


(this would be before getting in the bed)

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