"I would kind of like to hang out here with you..."

From Create Your Own Story

You tell him that you want to spend some time here with him. That surprises him.

"What? You want to hang out here? Ok... I don't have a problem with that but..."

He stops. You are a little surprised at that. Most men you hang out with would love to spend time alone with you. You ask him if there is any problems with that.

"No.I don't have a problem. It's just... I took this job to get away from people. Not that I hate people but I'm not much of a 'people' person. I think you saw or, at least, understand based on how we just meet."

You do recall how you meet him. That was definitely scary. While you don't think he is a bad guy, that shouldn't be how you greet people, help people that are lost and in the middle of the woods. That spends the wrong signal to people.

"I wanted to spend some time away from the city. Since I'm with you and you know how I can get back, I don't feel scared anymore. So please? Is it alright to spend some time here?"

You put on the best show that you can. You raise your eyebrows and give a few glances. You leaned forward so he gets a better view of your cleavage. He starts blushing. He becomes bright. You didn't think he would react that hard.

He studders a little. "Y..yes. You can stay."

Now that is taken care of, do you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jogging outfit

Gender Female
Species Rabbit
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