TTE- Wait and counterattack

From Create Your Own Story

(Redirected from Wait and counterattack)

You decided to let him make the first move. Raiou then charged at you with incredible speed. You get ready to counterattack anytime but then Raiou disappeared in a flash. Raiou then suddenly appeared behind you preparing to attack you.

"Here..!", you yelled as you block Raiou's katana with your urumi.

Raiou backed away after you blocked his attack. You then swung your urumi downwards causing the blade to extend to incredible length. Raiou jumped sidewards to avoid the attack but you swing your urumi to the direction his going. Raiou managed to block your attack but was sent flying. The site where he landed is now filled with dust. You then think about your next course. Should you bombard him with spells, attack him again or wait for him if he's really down.

Character Ritz Equipment:

Urumi, fighter's set

Key Items:


Companion None
Guild None
Town Soddon
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