TTE- Have a sparring match

From Create Your Own Story

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"Lets have a sparring match and instead of you winning, I'll be the who'll win this match.", you said as you head to the front yard.

"Suit yourself.", Raiou replied while following you.

"Get ready!", you yelled as you swing your urumi as a warm up.

You've seen Raiou fight before. His skill with the twin katanas is unmatched along with his agility and speed. Not only is he good with those, he is also capable of casting spells of eastern origins. He has little to no weakness so the only choice is to create a weakness you can exploit. You can keep attacking him until you find an opening or study his moves and counterattack.

Character Ritz Equipment:

Urumi, fighter's set

Key Items:


Companion None
Guild None
Town Soddon
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